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wherefore art thou, solomon?!

dood: i have heard super flattering reviews upon the mysterious and rare solomon islands kava. the kavasseur gave it a gnarly review. everyone ive ever spoken to about its magickal wonders has vouched for its epicness. so why the shit can i not find it nowheres? i hear that its banned to import. is this true? why? please for the love of all things sacred, help me understand this bullshit. if i cant get my filthy claws on some, at least let me understand why i cant get my filthy claws on some. boo on that shit. sounds badass. thanks


Kava Enthusiast
I don't really know. I think mostly they just charge too much. I think N@H's supplier bumped up their prices and it didn't make sense anymore. I don't know why no other vendor carries the stuff.


Kava Enthusiast
Kava isn't so much of a "done thing" in the Solomons. Betel nut chewing takes that crown. As such, it's possible that kava grown in the Solomons is truly rare and hardly ever up for export. That might explain the price hike. Limited quantity, stuff gets a name for itself, bang.