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which strainer for very fine (micronized) powder?


May the Brew be with you
I usually use a nylon pantyhouse as strainer. This works fine with most of the Kava powders I tried. The powder itself remains in the strainer, and only the ingredients are pressed into the water.

But the Mahakea from Kona and the "Private reserve Hiwa, micronized"  from Hawain Kava are so finely ground that nearly all the powder goes through the nylon into the water. But I don't want to have all this powder in my intestinal (causes diarrhea). What do you suggest as strainer?


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
A Fijian Kava bag is the next finest thing I can think of. Those are the cloth ones with bright colored patterns on them. I've seen them at a couple places for about $5.00 a pop.