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Who has Kava similar to Van3?


Kava Lover
I've never tried the van 3 but from what I have heard its more of a kavain kava. So maybe look into Fu'u or nambawan from bulakavahouse or maybe black sands or white sands from nakamal at home or some of paradises Hawaiian or Fijian.


Kava Enthusiast
kavalover, i like your previous pics better. i dont know what the hell im looking at, but i dont think i want to look at it :)


Kava Enthusiast
mos3z said:
kavalover, i like your previous pics better. i dont know what the hell im looking at, but i dont think i want to look at it :)
Hah, I was just thinking that too.


mos3z said:
kavalover, i like your previous pics better. i dont know what the hell im looking at, but i dont think i want to look at it :)
haha, sorry. It's a mushroom head! Sorry if it's gruesome, I'll probably end up changing it here soon anyway lol.

As to what it is, it's a sculpture of a human infected with cordyceps unilateralis. Which actually might not be probable in real-life, but it's cool nonetheless. See, last semester for my bio class, I was developing an oral presentation on the fungal infection (which wipes out whole colonies of ants and other insects in a manner similar to a zombie plague) when I stumbled across "The Last of Us" a video game which bases its creatures on it. The game looks awesome, is definitely worth the look up even if you're not into games (I'm not either, really). But anyway, the kinds of things their artists came up with in the hypothetical scenario of a mass human infection truly intrigued me and greatly influenced my eventual presentation which was, at first, only about the fungus (smiley: laugh)

Man I write a lot when I'm krunked.

(flash video)


Kava Curious

My mom was really pleased the first time she visited and I had given up alcohol in preference for Kava. She said something along of the lines of "It's so nice to hear you talking about books and philosophy again instead of how sad you are. It's like you're 18 again."

So yeah, Kava also makes me happy to talk (and think) lots about things I like. Which is a very good thing. Even if the talking part gets a bit harder as the stars come out.


Kava Enthusiast
I've still got V3 from last June. I had a bad experience with it.

It was weak and the grind left a lot of chunks. Like first joint size of your pinky twig chunks. I felt it a little bit but just didn't seem very good.

I've been throwing in a tablespoon to thin out my paradise kava.

I don't know I haven't ordered any since last June so it might have gotten better.

I always heard such good things about it =/