Depends on the strain. I have found that stone and chief's tend to yield some pretty dark and strong grog, having a look and texture like chocolate milk. The color of the kava is dependant on the strain and what parts of the root are used and if the root contained bark or not. Lateral or waka root kavas tend to be darker than basel stump or lawena varieties. Fijan and Tongan strains tend to be lighter than Vanuatu and Papua New Guinee strains. It also depends on the water to root ratio you used.
Don't think your doing something wrong because your grog doesn't match what you saw in the video. That person was likely using a lighter kava or possibly a white kava like N@H's white sand. Personally I love the dark chocolate milk batches as they tend to be the most potent.
Out of curiousity what strain and preparation method are you using?
If your using kona kava don't give up on kava because it does little to nothing, kona is a commmon mistake for n00bs and I fell for it to.
Also it's going to take a good number of sessions to work through your reverse tolerance and actually get the full effect from it, so be patient and it will come eventually.