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Why is my kava drink coming out dark brown.


Kava Curious
Hi, I'm new to Kava. I've just been adding my root powder to water, using the ratios suggested. Then blending it for a minute. It comes out frothy and looking the pale brown colour that it usually does on most you tube videos etc. However soon becomes a dark brown. Is this normal?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Kava Lover
Just depends on the strain really. Some kavas yield a lighter brown, some darker. Nothing to worry about :)


Kava Curious
Cheers, how long does it take to "kick in" so to speak? I know not to be expecting some kind of massive hit but I feel just the same, it's been about an hour.......Also, I've ordered half a pound from realkava.com. Any idea whether they're any good or not...



Kava Enthusiast
Depends on the strain. I have found that stone and chief's tend to yield some pretty dark and strong grog, having a look and texture like chocolate milk. The color of the kava is dependant on the strain and what parts of the root are used and if the root contained bark or not. Lateral or waka root kavas tend to be darker than basel stump or lawena varieties. Fijan and Tongan strains tend to be lighter than Vanuatu and Papua New Guinee strains. It also depends on the water to root ratio you used.

Don't think your doing something wrong because your grog doesn't match what you saw in the video. That person was likely using a lighter kava or possibly a white kava like N@H's white sand. Personally I love the dark chocolate milk batches as they tend to be the most potent.

Out of curiousity what strain and preparation method are you using?

If your using kona kava don't give up on kava because it does little to nothing, kona is a commmon mistake for n00bs and I fell for it to.

Also it's going to take a good number of sessions to work through your reverse tolerance and actually get the full effect from it, so be patient and it will come eventually.


Kava Enthusiast
Alexorange said:
Cheers, how long does it take to "kick in" so to speak? I know not to be expecting some kind of massive hit but I feel just the same, it's been about an hour.......Also, I've ordered half a pound from realkava.com. Any idea whether they're any good or not...

Your first time you'll likely only notice threshhold effects. It took me about a month of regular kava consumption to get good and krunked. Once you've worked through the reverse tolerance it tends to kick in quickly with high kavain varieties, but high DHM varieties takes an hour for it to fully kick and it lasts much longer.


Kava Curious
I don't know what this strain is. I just bought it off ebay while I wait for my half pound to come from realkava.com. I've been mixing it in a blender................


Kava Enthusiast
It could be anything from ebay. I got seemingly really good extract there once but after getting further into kava I wonder if what I got was in fact kava extract or some other extract as it made me hallucinate and that is pretty un-kava like. lol.

If it's coming out dark than I'll make a guess and say it's Vanuatu. I've heard good things about realkava, I hear their instant is really good. Don't worry about the color, every batch I make is a little different.


Kava Lover
Alexorange said:
I don't know what this strain is. I just bought it off ebay while I wait for my half pound to come from realkava.com. I've been mixing it in a blender................
never tried real kava but it should be better than the eBay stuff. Order from Bula kava house or Kava By Rex or Paradise Kava or Nakamalathome. Those are all reputable. And don't give up! It has to build up in your system sometimes before you feel effects, keep at it for at least a month and try to drink some every night or every other night. Eventually you will understand why we love kava :)


Kava Curious
It was coming out the colour and texture of iced tea. I think I was probably using to much water to kava. Also, how long do the lactones stay in your brain for. And what does DHM mean?



Kava Enthusiast
DHM=5,6-dehydromethysticin. It's one of the kavalactones that some love and others avoid. Double bonded kavalactones tend to cause a little more nasea with some people but also tend to be much more sedating and heavy in the body arena. A good strong high DHM strain like stone or boroguro will melt all your muscles.


Kava Enthusiast
Realkava aka Kava Kauai is the real deal.  You won't be disappointed.  All the vendors here are great too but they are not on here.


Kava Enthusiast
I ordered the Vanuatu from realkava it was pretty good. But the Chiefs jungle from nakamalathome was way stronger in my opinion. And yes dont give up on kava until you try a few diff kinds, each strand lends a little different effect. And you have to pay your dues.


Kava Curious
Cheers for the responses.......How long do the lactones stay in your brain for, and is there a cut off point for absorption. If I'm not going to feel the true effects until I've built up some kind of store, then I don't want to waste my Kava by necking tonnes of it that my body can't even absorb.


Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Alex, it depends on the kavalactones. I do a great impersonation of an enzyme trying to break apart the double-bond.