The real power of koniak is in its diversity. The first 15-20 min are heady and euphoric, almost like a certain other herb. Then it tapers down a bit; after I make a second wash with a half cup warm water and maybe another tablespoon it slowly creeps back. After about 5 or 10 min, if you eat something, it hits you in the face. It's also very long lasting for me and is, in my opinion the most balanced kava I have tried. It also goes well with apple ejuice! I've notices that in the first half hour or so my emotional sensitivity shoots way up. For example, I was looking at an equation that describes the increasing entropy and it brought tears to my eyes that there could be such perfect complexity and order to an increasingly random system. Silly, yes I know, but a great example. For all of you stone fans, I suggest getting a bag of this.