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Public Service Announcement From Kavasseur


Deleted User01

Hmm, Obama makes an announcement then @Kavasseur makes an announcement. Me thinketh this stinketh. :LOL: Come'on Kavasseur, April Fool's Day is over. But I'll go along for the ride. :D For you Newbies out there, we don't recommend Tudie since it will have greater side effects. However, there are some with iron constitutions that can handle it . Remember, the Islanders used it sparingly and only for Ceremonial purposes. Perhaps the Krunked Islander living in a Van by the River was a steady Tudei Drinker with over the top Dermo and was the example that everyone pointed to.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
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Deleted User01

@Kavasseur, I agree. Common sense tells me why should I mess with Tudei when we have so many outstanding Noble Kavas ... nowadays. It gets my goat that some unscrupulous vendors will mix Tudei with Kava without telling the consumer and I wonder, "Why the hell did you do that?". It makes it look more under-worldly and shady.
@Mrbinx69, what brought it on. Heck, we haven't had a good Tudei controversy in a long time and I think @Kavasseur misses the "lively debate".

Deleted User01

Well, to be fair it doesn't seem like there is really anyone to fight about it with anymore.
I know, I know. You miss the good old days. Car 54 where are you (@Deleted User). You know, @Deleted User is still doing Kava research and in conjunction with other Kava Scientists. It would be nice if @Deleted User would grace us with his presence and give us a status report. You know, come back and talk to the little people. :D