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most relaxing kava

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Kava Enthusiast
I suffer from severe restlessness and nervousness. All kavas are supposed to relax, but which is the most?

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
Try Hanakapi Ai from GHK, if you feel anything at all after that one I'd be surprised ;-)
It's certainly an excellent kava. It's very strong, like Squanch level strong (which is a good thang, IMO). And it is extremely balanced, both heady and heavy in equal proportion, that is, it is very heavy and also very heady. And the stuff is flat out delicious. Very tasty kava to drink.
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Kava Enthusiast
Except that I still have not experienced the breakthrough, I now have the problem that I have extreme bloating with intestinal cramps :/

At the moment I make the blender method. I filter the kava really very well through a nylon stocking and I do not drink the sediment on the ground.

So slowly I do not like to drink any more kava -.-

what could I do?


Kava Enthusiast
Thought that the blender method might make a stronger grog, because I have too little muscle power for the knead ^ ^

Now I prefer to take the aluballs


Kava Enthusiast
wanted to have tested all methods. Could have been that it is the poor prep and not the reverse tolerance
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Kava Curious
Do you kneed it? Try kneeding it for up to 10 minutes to get the kavalactones out. If sediment is an issue, try using a lower micron filter (25-75). Aluball is 75 micron.

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Kava Enthusiast
Stone kava is a body slam to your motivation, and pretty much everything else. I get a little antsy around 9:30-10 every night thinking about tomorrow. Some stone, it's not the most pleasant tasting kava but I've had worse but it dose work if your looking for a good slap in the face, demanding your body to not move for a good time. Hope you can find some relief!


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
wanted to have tested all methods. Could have been that it is the poor prep and not at the reverse tolerance
I don't think it's a prep problem if you're using the aluball, that would be pretty hard to get wrong unless you're using too little root? Some people just don't respond to kava maybe? I wouldn't have thought it's reverse tolerance by now.


Kava Enthusiast
It took my some time to respond. I thought it was working but I was getting frustrated with results for all the hard work I was putting into it. Dry sifting my root is what helped me brake through. I know that's not what every ones stomach can handle. Have you tried the kava candies? It seems like an easy way to introduce kavalactones into your system. Buy a case, it's little investment on a potential return. I'm so glad I stuck with kava. I haven't left krunk town ever since

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
Just my two cents but until you're adapted internally to kava, until your receptors are functioning, my guess is it doesn't matter what kind of kava you throw at yourself, no matter how good it is, if your receptors aren't working, you'll respond the same to great (and expensive) kava as you will to cheap mediocre kava. And the same with the prep, it doesn't matter what prep you use or what variety, the result will be the same until your body is ready for the good stuff. However, this is just my opinion and I could be wrong.
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