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  1. Ed!

    CBD and Kava

    I think that's a good way to view it. I did have one high stress moment after my initial post where I was able to notice myself calm down after taking the CBD. I think I'll hang onto what I have left for those moments of anxiety, rather than for regular use.
  2. Ed!

    Kava Candy back!

    Ordered me some. Thanks!
  3. Ed!

    CBD and Kava

    Thank you for this, and the previous commentor. I did search around a bit before buying anything CBD, and boy is it daunting. I chose cbdistillery because they seemed to be one of the more established distributors. Obviously this is not an endorsement because I can't recognize any effects. Like...
  4. Ed!

    CBD and Kava

    I'm certain I'm placing this topic in the wrong place, but I can't determine where I should be posting it. Moderators, feel free to redirect my question. I've been a kava drinker for a good long while, but over the last couple years I: 1.) had a kid, and 2.) started my own company. In short, I...
  5. Ed!

    Real Live Kava Plant

    Of my two plants one died pretty quickly. The other is hanging in there, but the leaves keep getting dry and crisped on the edges and fall off, leaving the new growing leaves to keep it going. I mist the guy every day, so I may need to find a new method for keeping them moisturized.
  6. Ed!

    Real Live Kava Plant

    Plants came in.
  7. Ed!

    Need help from you masters

    You won't find kava at Walmart or Walgreens. You can get it on Amazon though. No point in getting garbage kava, even for reverse tolerance, which I personally think in many cases is more about finding the amount needed to find effect. The retailers on the forum are the best place to start.
  8. Ed!

    Do you feel that Kava warms you up?

    It definitely cools me. I can sit outside on a hot summer day and feel great with a bowl of kava. It can definitely be uncomfortable when it's cold out though.
  9. Ed!

    Advice on blender preparation method

    I don't think you can really get it "too warm"... heat will kill some kavalactones, but it also get so much more out of the root that it's worth it. I personally do three washes with my root to maximize what I get out of it: 1) Traditional hand squeezed, cold water. Since kava is so micronized...
  10. Ed!

    Real Live Kava Plant

    In the past I've considered growing kava as a house plant until it grows big enough to consume, but it was never more than a passing thought... today for some reason that bug hit me again, and I did a little search. To my surprise I found a retailer who sells them, and they aren't that...
  11. Ed!

    Why Can't I Sleep

    I also have trouble sleeping after kava at times. Haven't been able to identify which ones are causing it.
  12. Ed!

    Preparing whole dried roots

    I've used whole dried roots before. What I ended up doing was soaking them until they plumped up pretty substantially then ran them through an old masticating juicer. I would imagine that a blender would work as well. Certainly not getting to micronized, but seemed to work.
  13. Ed!

    Getting Ready for my Next Purchase

    Fu'u from Bula Kava House is a good daytime kava, but it looks like they're sold out right now. I find most Waka's to be good day-time kavas as well. Generally I find anything Hawaiian or Fijian to be more daytime appropriate.
  14. Ed!

    Why do you take time off?

    I probably drink kava 3-4 days a week and use larger quantities than most people. I've only taken time off when my skin started to shed like snow, and when my tears got foggy (vision gets ever so slightly more foggy between blinks... very weird). Neither has happened often.
  15. Ed!

    Kava Bubble

    Maybe I'll start labeling my second and third washes and separating a bit... for science.
  16. Ed!

    Kava Bubble

    I'll have to pay closer attention to what I'm using. You know you've got a great kava when your hot washes end up with a yellow sheen collecting at the edges of your bowl.
  17. Ed!

    Lotion for Kava Skin

    Will it have that lovely earthy kava scent? I want to smell like mud.
  18. Ed!

    Kava Bubble

    It's a variety of kavas. For my first wash I do the traditional method, usually with two varieties. Then I do a hot water wash for my second use of that kava. Then I combine 3 or so sessions worth of that second-use kava together to do this third wash method. I had more second use kava than...
  19. Ed!

    Aluball kava looks weak.

    I bought two balls myself and I agree with the sentiment that it's not getting the most out of the kava. I think if you use micronized kava powder it's probably better (because you're effectively drinking the straight powdered root and all the kavalactones those have). I really like the aluball...
  20. Ed!

    Kava Bubble

    I was doing my third-wash method (masticating juicer and hot water) and the kava still had so much sticky yellow residue that it got all over my hands and even made a big bubble in my juicer. Check it out: