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All in my head, or is it Kava?


Kava Curious
I'm still all new to this... only been consuming kava for about two weeks. this past week i consumed several times a day, as i'm trying to get over the RT hurdle. this is a good thing, as i'm not drinking alcohol during the week because i'm using kava. by friday night, i think i started breaking through the RT, as i was feeling a bit euphoric for about 15-20 a little while after the last 2 times i consumed it.

so the weekend comes. i knew i was going to be going to a party, so i didnt consume any kava saturday because i knew i would be having a few drinks. WOW... i required MUCH less alcohol than usual!! talk about getting light headed.

then today, i had to get up and run some errands, so again i didnt consume any kava as i didnt have time to prepare it. when i got home, my hubby had been nice enough to pick me up a pack of Angry Orchard Hard Cider (yum!!) now i'm not much of a beer drinker, i'm more of a vodka gal. but here i am on my second hard cider (only 5% alcohol) and i have one hell of a buzz!!! usually i would need to drink at least 4 to feel any effect at all.

is this all in my head, or am i getting more bang for my buck on less alcohol because of all the heavy kava use all week??

tomorrow starts a new week. i plan to resume my kava use and hopefully the micronized kava and extract i ordered will be here soon. i'm looking forward to breaking through the RT and really start enjoying the benefits.