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Aloha Folks!


Kava Curious
Hey everyone, just joined the forum and am super excited to share in discussion about this lovely root we all love so much. Not to mention how stoked I am to try out some of the vendors on the forum.

I'm not new to Kava, but haven't had the honor in trying any of the vendors listed here, so I'm thinking the quality is going to be top notch! I've been reading many of the reviews the last few days and enjoying some of the ingenius prep methods folks have shared.

Looking forward to meeting you all, Bula! :D


Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Welcome, you will find some good kava here or as we say in Hawaii, 'Awa, you will also find a lot of great and accurate information, thanks for joining, aloha nui loa.



The Original Kava Forum Mama
Welcome Robert! Love the screenname! Everyone here is wonderful and our vendors are awesome...what more can I say..this place just rocks!!


Kava Curious
Thanks everyone for such a warm welcome!

I was going to place an order last night but thought I'd wait until this morning, then BAM, the Nambawan is Sold Out!!! Just my luck...lol

Does anyone know if that's an item that BKH normally stocks? Lucky for me there's a lot of other tasty varieties to choose from if not. :smug:


Welcome to the forums BrokaToe! i'm new as well! i was too nervous to make a thread on my introduction to the site! *blush*

i'm still a kava novice and can't answer your questions, but as you can see already. . . i can assure you'll get help in a timely manner with the awesome forum members/mods. . . very helpful bunch..

WELCOME and drink up!

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder

Regarding Nambawan, it's a stock item. If it's out of stock, then there's either a stocking order placed, or one already in route to the US.

Very grateful for the influx in new members!

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Welcome, brother. This forum is fantastic for advice, or even just some entertainment. Definitely the best place online for like minded root lovers.

A fresh shipment of Nambawan and Vanuatu Instant Green Kava left Vanuatu last Friday. It will probably be available on the website again this week as long as the FDA or USDA doesn't hold it up for an extra inspection or something.

Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions or comments.


Kava Curious
Hey thanks for the info Kap'm and I believe it's Judd right? Thanks for the greetings everyone, I'm really glad to be here.

Judd I was going to start off with that awesome looking sampler just to give most of your offerings a go to see what suites me. From what I've read the Nambawan is definitely on the must try list. Don't know if I'll be able to hold out for it to come in stock before ordering or not, but maybe my next order I can get Nambawan and Fu'u if they're available at the same time. Fu'u has always been my fav so really excited to try yours out. I'll eventually be working my way around to as many of the vendors on the forum as I can, it's such a smorgasbord. :D

Anyway, gotta get back to my soaking concoction, Bula!


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Welcome to the forum.

This is one of the few places were you'll see vendors so involved with the general population. This is one of the reasons I love being apart of the Kava community. We're all involved and connected in some form.


Bula To Eternity
........From what I've read the Nambawan is definitely on the must try list. ........:D

I ordered 1lb each of the Nambawan (wonder if that's secret Kava code for "Number One"?), Boguru, and Koniak.

Liked the Nambawan the best and Koniak the least. They were both strong (potent) but with Koniak I had a lot of unwanted side effects, like indigestion and borderline nausea. On the other hand, I thought the Nambawan was kick-ass without any of those side effects and will definitely be getting more of that. My latest batch ready to drink is in fact some Nambawan. :hungry:


Kava Curious
Yah HeadHodge I'm not so much into liking the nauseating kava drink. That's probably why I like Fu'u so much since it's a milder strain. But I do like a good kava that will relax my body and mind but that won't put me to sleep. If I can find all of that also with uplifting properties then I'm in heaven! What would any of you recommend that fits that bill? I know it's kind of hard to recommend seeing how everyone reacts differently to each strain, but I won't hold anyone to their suggestions...lol This is not a test! :pompus: