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Aloha from Colorado

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Kava Curious

My name is Elliott and I just thought I'd extend a shaka to everyone on this forum. I've recently been getting back into the world of Kava after somewhat of a long hiatus and am really enjoying how much it plugs you into Mother Earth. I was stoked to see such a strong community on these pages and I would really like get involved in the discussions, hopefully you guys can enhance my knowledge further. I currently reside in Colorado which surprisingly has its own pretty cool kava bar in Denver. Hard being landlocked as I am a surfer and all around waterman. I was first introduced to kava when I was on a kitesurfing trip to Maui back in 2006. I have access to kava here in Denver via an exotic botanical imports shop but the prices are pretty high so I needed to find a vendor who could satisfy my needs without destroying my bank account. I just put in an order with Chris at Gourmet Hawaiian for a pound of 'Awa Hiwa and am excited to try out his wares as I've heard great things. I picked up an Aluball recently and I really dig that device, especially for on the go. I enjoy mixing with coconut milk, pineapple juice, nutmeg and cinnamon sometimes, occasionally just straight up water. I happen to like the taste of 'awa so I can handle pretty strong brews. Can't wait to gain more insight on strain info from you guys. Anyway, cheers everyone! ::chugger::
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I'll have the pyrones with some pepper, please.
Welcome aboard matey! I absolutely love Hiwa. I am so glad Chris harvested more, which means he is going to plant more !!!!! Its not really something I drink to get krunked or party with, its really one of my few straight up medicinal kavas that I reserve for when I've been working outdoors, splitting firewood, gardening, heavy lifting, back-breaking work, or even just mowing grass etc. It is amazing the way it melts your muscles and gives you a very happy place to go. No other kava does what Hiwa does, at least for me. It is also very good at bringing down body temperature quickly when you are hot. It is one of those kavas that is constantly giving me the kava shivers/chills from head to toe. That's a good thing. ;)


Kava Curious
Awesome, Its nice to hear a positive review beforehand. What strains do you like for partying/krunk behavior? I recently quit drinking alcohol and I am in search of a varietal that I can indulge in when I'm with friends who are drinking.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
Awesome, Its nice to hear a positive review beforehand. What strains do you like for partying/krunk behavior? I recently quit drinking alcohol and I am in search of a varietal that I can indulge in when I'm with friends who are drinking.
Almost all Chris's grinds taste really sweet for drinking, IMO. For party situation from Chris I'd go with the honokane iki and the hanakapi 'ai. He has plenty of other fine awa, too, of course, for relaxing at home.


I'll have the pyrones with some pepper, please.
I tend to go with the social kavas, which are usually balanced but high on the kavain side. They make you want to socialize and are not sedating unless you want to relax with them, but if you are at a party and engaged, there will be no sedation. I like Squanch waka (can be sedating at high doses). I also like Squanch lawena blended with other social Fijian kavas, like Kava Time's Savusavu, or Taveuni's Secret. Taveuni's Secret is also good by itself, especially during the daytime. My favorite from GHK is Mahakea as it is uplifting and goes well with Squanch waka later in the evening. All of these have some sort of mild to moderate euphoria that is comparable to alcohol euphoria IMO (like 3 beers in feeling), but the euphoria is short-lived, at most 20 minutes. It's more about long-term mood enhancement more than anything. Taveuni's Secret makes me smile uncontrollably, just a happy grin that you can't get rid of because you are just happy. It's great. If you have some cash to throw down, try The Kava Roots, Tongan Family Reserve. The first time I tried this stuff, the euphoria lasted for hours. I save this for special occasions, and find it less edgy these days if I blend it with Squanch lawena. All my blends are simple, 1:1. tbsp:tbsp in an Aluball. Oh and if you really want to stay up late and party, try some Borogu, which is typically what they serve at kava bars. Euphoric energy, but totally sober. Kalm with Kava and Bula Kava House both have really good Borogu, oh and Black Sand is really good too by Nakamal at Home. Good luck on your journey!


Kava Lover
Awesome, Its nice to hear a positive review beforehand. What strains do you like for partying/krunk behavior? I recently quit drinking alcohol and I am in search of a varietal that I can indulge in when I'm with friends who are drinking.
For social kava, I like GHK moʻi, Kavafied Tongan Reserve and Kava Time Taveuni's Secret. The trick to being sociable for me is to mix the kava on the thin side, and drink small shells frequently.

Most of the time though, I'm not in party mode. Most of the time I'll chug a half liter of something heavy and just chillax with nature.

I also haven't touched alcohol in about a year. Just decided to go all-in and stop drinking. Seems to be working out great so far.


Kava Lover
Awesome, Its nice to hear a positive review beforehand. What strains do you like for partying/krunk behavior? I recently quit drinking alcohol and I am in search of a varietal that I can indulge in when I'm with friends who are drinking.
GHK's moi is my go to kava for hanging with drunken friends. High kavaian, nice heady buzz, real social - and as the night wears on and the friends are starting to get sloppy drunk you can keep on going. Then I usually finish the night off with something heavier to go to sleep and wake nice and refreshed while the rest are nursing hangovers!

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
I tend to go with the social kavas, which are usually balanced but high on the kavain side. They make you want to socialize and are not sedating unless you want to relax with them, but if you are at a party and engaged, there will be no sedation. I like Squanch waka (can be sedating at high doses). I also like Squanch lawena blended with other social Fijian kavas, like Kava Time's Savusavu, or Taveuni's Secret. Taveuni's Secret is also good by itself, especially during the daytime. My favorite from GHK is Mahakea as it is uplifting and goes well with Squanch waka later in the evening. All of these have some sort of mild to moderate euphoria that is comparable to alcohol euphoria IMO (like 3 beers in feeling), but the euphoria is short-lived, at most 20 minutes. It's more about long-term mood enhancement more than anything. Taveuni's Secret makes me smile uncontrollably, just a happy grin that you can't get rid of because you are just happy. It's great. If you have some cash to throw down, try The Kava Roots, Tongan Family Reserve. The first time I tried this stuff, the euphoria lasted for hours. I save this for special occasions, and find it less edgy these days if I blend it with Squanch lawena. All my blends are simple, 1:1. tbsp:tbsp in an Aluball. Oh and if you really want to stay up late and party, try some Borogu, which is typically what they serve at kava bars. Euphoric energy, but totally sober. Kalm with Kava and Bula Kava House both have really good Borogu, oh and Black Sand is really good too by Nakamal at Home. Good luck on your journey!
Taveuni's Secret is really great as a "last shell of the night" to wind down with gently and really great as a "first shell of the morning." It's really sweet and gentle and fun.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
For social kava, I like GHK moʻi, Kavafied Tongan Reserve and Kava Time Taveuni's Secret. The trick to being sociable for me is to mix the kava on the thin side, and drink small shells frequently.

Most of the time though, I'm not in party mode. Most of the time I'll chug a half liter of something heavy and just chillax with nature.

I also haven't touched alcohol in about a year. Just decided to go all-in and stop drinking. Seems to be working out great so far.
I didn't stop drinking, drinking stopped meing. It just withered away, like Lenin said the State would after perfect communism had been achieved.


Kava Curious
I really appreciate all the recommendations you guys had to offer! I have an anxiety issue and was once prescribed Benzodiazepines but I really hated them. Kava is definitely a much better alternative, at least for me, that doesn't carry the dangers of physical addiction/erratic behavior. I have a strong distaste for big Pharma and prefer a more holistic approach. And who says you can't enjoy taking your medicine? (y)

I gave up alcohol due to some legal issues (whoops) and I found kava to be a great replacement when I'm in social situations. It has shone a real positive light on that situation.
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