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I Love Kava Friday Another HOT Friday!

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
DALL·E 2023-07-28 06.58.31 - Sloths in the jungle, trying to escape the sun. digital art.png

If you're joining us from the United States today, you're likely experiencing some pretty high temps. It would be nice to have an ocean breeze right now, but Tennessee is famously known for its lack of precisely that.

Stay cool, stay hydrated, stay relaxed, and I hope you have a fantastic weekend ahead!



Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
Not really enjoying the effects of my Enjoy Kava waka, so I had to put in a quickie Amazon order for some Koa Kava Tonga while I wait for my GHK order to get here. The Koa should be here for tonight’s session. — It’s been in the mid 90°s out here for a couple weeks now, still lovin’ it.
::shell:: ::KavaChug:: ::shell::


Kava Curious
I consumed 200g of pacific elixir instant in ... 4 days? The ease of preparation is a drawback for me, and I don't find the full effect of the middle grain, as if something were missing! it's perfect for the morning thought. Kavaeurope still has no stock of middle grain... I hope it's temporary! In the meantime, I wish you a perfect weekend! Tomorrow, in the absence of kava, I'm doing a day-long meditation retreat and even though I don't believe in esoteric bullshit, I'll be sending out good compassionate vibes for everyone here ;) May you all be happy!