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blend and strain method?



Is soaking needed if you plan to use blend and strain method? So blending with fat is the best method right?

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
just IMO, but that's a no to both, for me. Of course, everybody has their own favourite way of doing it, so it's just a question of finding what you prefer.

AFAIK there is never anything really to gain from soaking kava, won't hurt it any, but I believe that simply in the process of blending you will rehydrate the kava which happens pretty much instantly, so it doesn't require soaking. Soaking just means you have to wait longer before having a shell.

I've blended with milk, cream, half and half and coconut milk and I don't honestly believe the fat made a difference. I still use coconut milk diluted with water for my krunk doses but only because the coconut milk improves the flavour. It's pretty optional. With the Manoa prep I just use water and have no problem drinking that down these days, as long as I have a few sips of ginger beer to chase it or some pineapple.
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Deleted User01

Someone at the University at Hawaii did a study. It turns out that the perfect water temperature is 113. So I would put the kava and water in a blender for a minute or so at 121 degrees. Then knead and strain at a little lower temperature. I never added fat but I did add coconut water for taste and maybe that has fat too. And don't forget the second wash.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
What @Krunkie McKrunkface and @Deleted User01 said... I blend quite often and have never soaked. I put one cup of full fat milk in the blender and then 2 or 3 cups of water depending on how many shells I want. Then the root and blend. I strain first through a ankle high stocking, then through a finer 50 or 80 ish micron strainer. If you try and go straight through a fine strainer you'll be there ages. Make sure to squeeze as much liquid out as possible. I got my routine from the video at realkava.com. Some really good kava for sale there.