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News Article Bloomberg - New, Non-Alcoholic Bars Offer an Addictive Alternative

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder

The growth of kava bars in the United States is largely driven by the sale of K@, a plant-based drink with addictive properties. While kava bars originally focused on selling kava, a non-alcoholic drink marketed for its anxiety-reducing effects, many have added K@ to their menus to stay competitive. Despite health concerns and legal scrutiny, K@ has become a significant factor in the industry's expansion. In 2012, there were around 30 kava bars, and now there are approximately 400. The American K@ Association argues that the plant is safe when not mixed with other substances and estimates its economic contribution to be $1.5 billion. The future of K@ remains uncertain due to regulatory disagreements.

You may see some familiar names in this article ;)


Kava Synchronized

The growth of kava bars in the United States is largely driven by the sale of K@, a plant-based drink with addictive properties. While kava bars originally focused on selling kava, a non-alcoholic drink marketed for its anxiety-reducing effects, many have added K@ to their menus to stay competitive. Despite health concerns and legal scrutiny, K@ has become a significant factor in the industry's expansion. In 2012, there were around 30 kava bars, and now there are approximately 400. The American K@ Association argues that the plant is safe when not mixed with other substances and estimates its economic contribution to be $1.5 billion. The future of K@ remains uncertain due to regulatory disagreements.

You may see some familiar names in this article ;)
Wow...pretty bleak picture of the industry.