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Powdered Kava Review Boroguru


Kava Enthusiast
{"Grade":9,"Potency":0,"Mind":9,"Body":9,"Anxiety":0,"Sedative":0,"Taste":"5","Preparation":"Prepared traditionally","Duration":"","SideEffects":"","Headline":"A must try."}
The packaging of this product is very nice,

as others have often said, the smell is very aromatic and bitter,
the taste is similar to the smell
someone who was unfamiliar with kava would probably find the smell and taste unpleasant,
however for the seasoned kava drinker who is used to it, will likely find the taste and smell of this kava very nice, its an acquired taste

This is great kava to have in the evening (but not too soon before bed)
it is highest in DHK, and second highest Kavain

these are the two most important kavalactones for anxiety,

Now I must say this kava has given me more euphoria than any other kava Ive tried (even fu'u) but that doesn't mean this a morning kava, after the euphoria settles down, it becomes very sedating with muscle relaxation

I believe this was ranked by the community the kava with the best bang for your buck, and with good reason.

a must try
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