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Can micronized kava (such as the 11 year waka) be used in Aluball?


As the title says:

Can micronized kava (such as the 11 year waka) be used in Aluball?

I'm just not sure if its meants to be used this way or simply mixed into water w/ a spoon like an instant. The product description says its "almost like an instant" which makes it even more confusing! haha



Just mix a micro in a liquid.

A micro and Instant do the same thing, and serve the same conveniance. The difference is how they are made.

Micro: Take medium grind and grind it down even further. Essentially micro grind.

Instant: Dehydrated preparation. Take a Kava preparation and evaporate/extract the water. The remaining Kavalactones, and varius chemicals extracted from the root that is consumed is an instant.

At least that is what it is to my knowledge.