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come on mr mailman...


Kava Steve

Saturday morning and the mailman is too slow... i feel like a kid on christmas morning waiting to grab some lbs from the mailbox of GHK goodness. Oh well got some kava kava candy to tide me over ::happyshell::


Kava Enthusiast
hot DAMN Kava Steve! that is a haul! i'm placing my order for the duke of hanakapi ai when i get off work tonight and if i'm honest probably some moi and some mahakea as well. and i'll probably ask the ever-generous Chris if he would be willing to throw in some lihing mui powder and maybe some size 13 locals. HA!
color me green Kava Steve; 'cause i am jealous

Kava Steve

@tomkrat yeah Chris posts the hanakapi ai after I placed my order.... So darn it had to go back and order me some.... Will get to try it out this week