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I'm new to Kava (hoping it will help with my anxiety which has gotten really out of hand lately). My plan is to use BKH's instant mixed with coconut milk and drink it daily for at least a week to account for any reverse tolerance. Eventually, I'll graduate to micro.

My question is: how many teaspoons or tablespoons of the instant Kava should I consume per serving?

Sean D.

Kava Enthusiast
For BKH instant I use about 2 or 3 heaping teaspoons per 8 ounces (1 cup.) If you can take, you could try a little more. You might also experiment with water, juice, etc, to see what most paletteable for you. You can also pace it out, wait 30 min to 1 hr and then make another cup (or 2 cups in a row); kava tends to build up effect like that, at least for me. Good luck!


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Use one level tablespoon at a time, IMO. It is important to consume instant on an empty stomach.
I strongly recommend trying root powder.