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Ear Plugs would be Perfect for my Kava Sessions

Superior Sandman

Kava Curious
Like many I get extremely sensitive to noise during my kava sessions. Boroguru went down smooth and with the ringing in my ears came great appreciation for peace and quiet. After a long work day in a loud environment I just need to relax, wind down, and read up on some kavaforums drama, but my girl decides it's time to vacuum 1,800 square feet of carpet.

She is innocent in all this... she thinks "He is in the other room with the door closed...I'll clean until he is finished in there." I can't be mad at her. You don't understand this effect unless you have experienced it first hand.

Every sound is so pronounced. The planes flying nearby, the neighbor's pressure washing the fence, dogs barking, and the squeak of those damn vacuum wheels. I can hardly gather my thoughts for this post.

I believe I will buy ear plugs for this situation in the future. I don't want to wear head phones or turn on music. My only desire is to melt away, escape inside my mind, and pretend I'm not surrounded by people ALL of the time.

Work and family obligations are smothering my every moment. Kava can be social for sure, but that's not why I'm drinking today. Set and setting are so incredibly important for an enjoyable kava session. It is a waste of good root otherwise for me.


Every sound is so pronounced. The planes flying nearby, the neighbor's pressure washing the fence, dogs barking, and the squeak of those damn vacuum wheels. I can hardly gather my thoughts for this post.
Heh, that's what I'm like when I'm sober. ADD and have a special sensitivity to high pitched or sudden noises, I can't filter anything out. I wish it was only when I drink kava (in my very limited experience so far...just mo'i, trying a new one out tonight though). Instead of ear plugs maybe a fairly noisy floor fan to create a buffer of white noise? I have tinnitus pretty bad and ear plugs with no other noise would drive me nuts and the ear plugs would only muffle the sound to various degrees depending on the frequency. Maybe both together? I live in an apartment for the time being and deal with noise intrusions a lot, can't wait to get my house with double pane windows and a basement lol

Oh hell yeah, the vacuum cleaner is evil. Dogs are wise and noble creatures, we should all take a lesson from them and rise up against vacuum cleaners.
Let us not forget cats! Although dogs are better about facing the evil offender...