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First Kava experience in the mail.



Ok so I'm a complete newooob. Discovered kava online and thought I'd give it a go. So far from what I've learned it really fascinates me. I'm looking forward to my first drink. So I'm looking for any little advice. I think I made a few bad choices on some kavas I ordered. From what I understand may be a little tuff for a beginner. I ordered from BKH...Nambawan, koniak and there instant. Not to scared of the instant but the nambawan and koniak what I hear is they're heavy hitters. I also got Fijian from paradise. Thinking I'll start with the Fijian. What do you think ? One other thing I got was a 10:1 instant from herbal island. Has any one tried there instant? I probably wouldn't have got it from them but I've done business with them with other herbals and they've always been good quality, so I thought what the heck why not it was cheap too.


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I started with pk ..it's one of my faves ..I'm new too ..expensive stuff too break through the reverse tolerance but only took me 3 nights of heavy drinking ..beware tho if you do like I did it may hit you hard and then you'll be couched


Does everyone experience the RT? And would it be better to start with something stronger maybe to have a chance with effects?

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Most people have the reverse tolerance phase, and by most we definitely don't mean all. Some people are extremely lucky and feel kava's beneficial effects the first time. If you do find yourself in reverse tolerance usually a large dose consistently over several days will smash through it. Just make a regular dose your first time to see if you're one of those graced by the kava gods.

And welcome!


Thanks Kap'm, which kava would you recommend from the three I got. Not including my instants.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
For starting out you're on the right track with Fijian. It's a middle of the road kava with an ability to creep up on you pretty nicely. The nambawan is strong, but not overpoweringly so. I'd call it a heavy, well balanced kava. It has the flavor profile closer to that of a fresh kava than any kava I've ever had. Koniak is a beast, it's heavy on the double-bonded kavalactones so it's going to be more powerfully sedating. The taste of koniak is rather vile if you ask me, but if I had to describe it it's more like drinking pine needle tea with a hint of Novocaine with a heavy dirt base. Koniak didn't hit me like the others, but always remember when switching from one kava to another to give it a week or so for the full effect profile to emerge. Going from a heavy kavain to a heavy dhm kava takes a while to adjust to....especially when switching back.


For starting out you're on the right track with Fijian. It's a middle of the road kava with an ability to creep up on you pretty nicely. The nambawan is strong, but not overpoweringly so. I'd call it a heavy, well balanced kava. It has the flavor profile closer to that of a fresh kava than any kava I've ever had. Koniak is a beast, it's heavy on the double-bonded kavalactones so it's going to be more powerfully sedating. The taste of koniak is rather vile if you ask me, but if I had to describe it it's more like drinking pine needle tea with a hint of Novocaine with a heavy dirt base. Koniak didn't hit me like the others, but always remember when switching from one kava to another to give it a week or so for the full effect profile to emerge. Going from a heavy kavain to a heavy dhm kava takes a while to adjust to....especially when switching back.
Wow, I learn something new everyday. What is the percentage of people who have RT?

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Currently there's not enough data to give a real scientific percentage, but I'd say a good 50-70% experience some sort of reverse tolerance. However, we generally always find that the more often we drink kava, the less we need.


I'm so anxious. In fact, according to shipping stuff should be here tomorrow. If so I'm having my wife bring some instant to work for me. Let's get this going already!


1 kava 2 kava 3 kava COUCH
Most here stick to extracts from reputable vendors from the forum . I think due to the fact that some companies use solvents to extract the kavalactones which also extracts some of the things you don't want in your kava . Paradise uses a co2 method that extracts only the good stuff (or very little of the bad ) .


Well I will definitely get in contact with them and find out. I know they don't extract themselves they just distribute. Worth doing a little investigating.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
I *think* @earth mother has tried that one, I swear I remember talking with her about some ebay extract and I think that was it.

Most here stick to extracts from reputable vendors from the forum . I think due to the fact that some companies use solvents to extract the kavalactones which also extracts some of the things you don't want in your kava . Paradise uses a co2 method that extracts only the good stuff (or very little of the bad ) .
Generally what you want to avoid are solvent extracts (e.g. alcohol). Instants are just dehydrated freshly prepared kava, so if it comes in powdered form and mostly dissolves in water you're probably fine.


I *think* @earth mother has tried that one, I swear I remember talking with her about some ebay extract and I think that was it.

Generally what you want to avoid are solvent extracts (e.g. alcohol). Instants are just dehydrated freshly prepared kava, so if it comes in powdered form and mostly dissolves in water you're probably fine.
I got in contact with them and that's what they said...water based extraction. Did earth mother like it?