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First time kava experience


I just tried Kava Kava for the first time and thought I'd share my experience. First, I have been suffering from severe depression and anxiety for nearly four years - so bad in fact that I have been nearly incapacitated at times. I have been on almost every SSRI and SNRI along with the gamut of anxiolytics. None of them have produced any benefit with the modest exception of the anxiolytics but those came with many negative side effects and made the depression worse and barely took the edge off of the anxiety.

I have also tried a number of supplements with no effect. Recently I tried L-Theanine and was hopeful due to the many positive reviews....NOTHING. I also want to say that I am not at all prone to buying into hype and am immune to placebo effects. I need an elephant tranquilizer to feel anything at all. I suspect that I have an unusually stout physical constitution when it comes to medication.

So I searched the internet for anti anxiety supplements and was rather impressed with what I read about Kava as it was consistently at the top of the lists in terms of effectiveness. I picked up a bottle of Natural brand 200mg capsules and took my first one this afternoon. I am inclined to be cautious about my optimism as I want to make sure that this is not just in my head but all I can say is WOW. Within a half an hour I was beginning to feel more relaxed and an easing of depression. After an hour, I kid you not, I was feeling better than I can remember in literally YEARS. I have zero anxiety, zero depression. My emotional energy and sociability are at levels that I cannot recall.

I have no compulsion to take extra to feel even better which is completely abnormal for me as I am a recovering alcoholic/addict - seven months sober. I have a small amount of skepticism but it is fading rapidly as I become more and more convinced that I may have found the missing ingredient to my elusive chemistry. I will report again tomorrow with my experience. Years worth of misery and extreme frustration and one capsule erases that within an hour...I hope.


Deleted User01

Welcome to the Forum @JUNGLEJET! ::awesomesmiles:: I can tell that the Ancient Aliens blessed you with a super intellect when you said, "More is not better". You might be a Newbie but you already "get it". I wish you continued success.


I'm interested in things
Hi @JUNGLEJET, I also have a long history of anxiety and depression. Antidepressants actually do work for me, but do nothing for anxiety. The most efffective anxiety meds, benzodiazepines, unfortunately also cause addiction and memory loss. I find kava works great for anxiety, but one thing you need to know is the the effects are not as steady and predictable as pharmaceutical meds. The meds psychiatrists prescribe generally have a very long half-life, so you in a way don't really feel them. But with kava there can be ups and downs: sometimes it works, and other times it might not work as well.

Steve Mariotti

Kavapithecus Krunkarensis
Review Maestro
Welcome, @JUNGLEJET!

Your story reads a lot like mine, except replace alcohol with Spiderman's great love (Mary Jane) and we're pretty close. I have anxiety-fueled depression, and still wrestle with the depression side a bit but kava has nearly nullified my anxiety. Since alcohol is contraindicated while taking kava, I haven't had a drink of alcohol in nearly half a year. Not that I wanted to stop, but it's a nice little benefit as I no longer suffer from the side effects like hangovers, bad judgment and morning regrets.

If you're getting some effect from the capsules, that's a really excellent sign. If you switch to the Real Article, you'll be amazed at what kava has in store.

You've come to the right place. If you have any questions at all, no matter what they are, this group will be happy to help!