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I Love Kava Friday For the love of FRIDAY!!


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
been goin’ deep with Tanna kava, I can tell it hasn’t been sitting around long cuz my fingers are a bit sticky/sappy after kneading. Really good stuff, just needs some 3rd world saliva in it to really bring it home.



Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
How is the grind with this KWK?
Most of their grinds are finer these days...Loa Waka still has a bit of root shards in it...I kinda like it like that though. Modern grinds tend to be so fine, a lot of it slips through the strainer and you end up basically drinking micronized. I'd love to get a hydraulic press and really bleed the kavalactones out of the root fiber particles. More lactones, less fibers...I think that would be closer to fresh kava. ::kavaleaf::