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Freezing premade batches

Greetings. New member here. Been reading the forums for awhile and thought I would share an idea. When I get a chance, I make up a huge batch and measure it into gallon size plastic freezer bags, about 3 shells per bag. Then I put them in my chest freezer flat, sort of stacked. When I am ready to use it, I take a bag out, run hot water from the tap into the sink over the bag, with the sink plug in, and it thaws in just a minute or two since the bag is frozen so "thin". Swishing the bag around under the running water helps it go real fast. So, fresh made kava in under 5 minutes. Anybody else tried this?


Kava Curious
I was thinking of freezing batches. Your way of keeping the bags thin sounds better than what I was thinking though.


Kava Enthusiast
I've only ever done this with fresh green kava - when I used to leave Vanuatu for NZ, I would freeze a dozen 600ml bottles full of fresh kava the day before I left, wrap them in my wetsuit for some insulation, and put them back in the freezer when I got home at the other end.
When defrosted it isn't exactly the same - some sort of flocculation happens - but the taste and effect are the same, with none of the nasty sour acidic taste that fresh kava gets when its been sitting a few hours at 25C.


Kavacidal Maniac
I haven't, but I've read multiple threads where quite a few said they'd done it with good results. Effects, in general, were about the same -- I think some said the taste may have been less pleasant.