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Teacher of Love
I am Cherokee and Scott/Irish. In my family we do not get addicted or have withdrawals. I have never had a hangover. I should have with moonshine. I believe this is hybrid viger or immunity. The whole family has it. But cousins may not if different genes come in to play. One set of cousins are half Polynesian. They do not have it. Which they did. I was on methadone 120mgs a day for 30 years. Got the rebound effect, started causing greater pain. I came off it in a week with no withdrawals. My pain specialist was freaked out. Lol. Drugs often do not work with us.That is the down side. Herbs are often better for us.


Kava Enthusiast
Herbs are preferable to drugs for me all of the time. I find it interesting, because I recognize many herbs as drugs themselves. It seems the refining process does little for me yet lots for others, so, I do not "treat" allergies or colds or flus or tiredness, headaches, or pain with any kind of pharmaceuticals, yet I may apply herbal remedies which may be equally potent.