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Heady Kava Question


Kava Enthusiast
I've been reading reviews but am still a little confused. It seems that kavas trending to the heady side can prevent sleep? Is this generally true?

I enjoy what I've perceived as heady affects but don't want something that will prevent me from having a good nights sleep. My kava time is typically when I get out of work (consuming my first shell by 5pm). I try to go to bed by 9pm. I realize everyone is different but I'm looking for a general consensus on "heady" kavas.

Perspectives greatly appreciated.


Kava aficionado
If heady kavas over stimulate you, drink it right after work and you should be fine. For me I can chug Lawena or Waka and go right to bed. I'd recommend experimenting until you find the right time frame that works for you.


Phoenix, AZ
Kava Vendor
I've been reading reviews but am still a little confused. It seems that kavas trending to the heady side can prevent sleep? Is this generally true?

I enjoy what I've perceived as heady affects but don't want something that will prevent me from having a good nights sleep. My kava time is typically when I get out of work (consuming my first shell by 5pm). I try to go to bed by 9pm. I realize everyone is different but I'm looking for a general consensus on "heady" kavas.

Perspectives greatly appreciated.
Anecdotally, kavas high in Yangonin (3) give people more of a restless mind at night. I personally never have these issues, but if you look at chemotypes and see the number 3 in the first 3 numbers, you're more likely to see this problem.

As a general rule though, kava makes you sleepier than you were before.

Deleted User01

Heady kavas make your head grow. At least that's what they told me. :LOL:

But seriously, I do my Heady kavas in the afternoon. 5 hours later, I'm ready to pass out. They will wear you out if you give them time. If you take them 1 hour before bed, you might not sleep.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
Some people get affected by heady kavas that way, some don't. There's never been a kava that got me wound up or sleepless...the closest thing I've had, is heady kava that's so clean and short lasting that I'm almost back to neutral by the time I go to sleep. On rare occasions, I'll get a jittery, semi-anxious feeling, but it doesn't last til bedtime. Most of the time, even when I drink very heady-centric kavas, I've consumed so much by the end of the night that I still end up sedated and sleeping better than normal. (sober)

I don't know

Kava Enthusiast
I try to stop taking heady kavas about 2 hours before bedtime and move on to heavy kavas after that. I always take some Nene about 45 min before sleepytime. Generally though, I use heady kavas during the day and heavy at night.


Kava Enthusiast
I've been reading reviews but am still a little confused. It seems that kavas trending to the heady side can prevent sleep? Is this generally true?
From what I've found, but I'm fairly new to Kava, is that all of them are sedating to one level or another. The heavy Kavas just tend to hit me harder in this category. For me, the heavy Kavas just put me on the couch not wanting to do much of anything and then I ultimately fall asleep. The Heady Kavas tend to be more mood uplifting and don't have the muscle relaxant aspects of the heavy kavas I've consumed. I prefer these Kavas most of the time because I still feel like doing something, but I'm also free of stress.

This isn't to say I don't like heavy Kava's. In fact, there are a few blends out there (I think they are blends) that start off heady and end more heavy that I really like. The two I've tried that do this for me are stone by NAH and nangol noble by BKH.


Kava Enthusiast
Trial and error is the only to know for sure. I would suggest getting something heady and trying it about lunch time on a weekend. You'll know if it affects you to the point you won't be able to sleep four hours after taking it. The first heady kava I ever tried was Pouni Ono. The first time I tried it I was literally up all night. After that, it didn't seem to have much effect either way. Got some Moi yesterday, which is supposed to be the headiest kava you can get, and had no trouble sleeping last night. Of course, I've spent the last two days moving, so by bedtime I wanted to cry because I was so tired. Drinking it today I feel a relaxed clean energy. It doesn't feel like something tjat would keep me awake. Most heady kavas will start of energzing and then become sedating once the kavain wears off, which takes about 3 hours for me. Since everyone is different, the only way to know for sure is to try it.