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Which chemotype would be most likely to cause stronger heartbeat? I say stronger because once in awhile I will just be more apt to hear and feel my heartbeat. It's not necessarily faster and it doesn't make me anxious, it's just quite noticeable. Moreso when I lie down but then it tapers off. Is it fair to say heady kavas only will produce this effect?

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Yeah certain strains are more likley to do that.
Heady kavas aren't the only ones that can make a tweak type experience some heavys can too.
I know we all love to point our finger at yangonin. I do alot. And it might be that but we really don't know what the KL that is doing this is.


Any Kava that is more of a stimulant. Daytime energy Kavas and are heady should increase blood pressure. Sedative Kavas should lower your blood pressure.

Also note this is not related to heart disease. So just don't worry about it and you won't notice the pulse. Try to just let go from it and focus on what you are doing.


Thanks friends. Sometimes it can be difficult for me to distinguish the symptoms I have from withdrawal from klonopin - to general anxiety - to kava effects.


Warm and Fuzzeh!
Waka kava is the only kava that's given me a profoundly elevated heartbeat. In fact, the waka kava gave me full on sensory distortion and a mild panic attack today (which subsided after some meditation).