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Hello from the Deep South (U.S.)

I don't know

Kava Enthusiast
Now that you have broken through try other types of kava as well. I keep the Kava King around because it bought it and it's not bad...it's just not my favorite. I dont think they filter out the makas, but I could be wrong.


Kava Enthusiast
@I don't know, your right, they dont filter out the makas. I had about 3 tbsp while at work today. Tore up my stomach a little. Its okay for what it is. I use it when I dont want people to know I had any kava. Not that anyone knows about me and kava anyways, but the kava king is just enough to mellow me out a little without being obvious.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
@Huebras There's definitely a fine balance between enough and too much. You're certainly taking enough in, are you definitely drinking on an empty stomach?


Kava Newbie
@I don't know @wanderingwoodsmith @Edward Thanks for the replies and sorry it took me a while to reply. I took a break from kava for the weekend, including the forum. I'm glad I did. I fixed a stiff shell last night and it was a much better experience than the last one on Thursday(it was the instant, but I strained it anyway). I think it may have to do with the quality of kava I have and my prep. I'm going to order some from the vendors here and see if it makes a difference. Thanks again.


Kava Lover
Hey man. Welcome aboard.

As stated, keep trying and keep trying new strains. I just speak for myself here but, kava king did little for me. I felt next to nothing with pretty large doses and just started using it as a "fill in the blank" when I was a hair short on my batch of medium. I would recommend grabbing a solid medium grind and get to kneading!