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Blue Roads

Kava Enthusiast
Hi I'm John, and I just ordered from Kona. On a whim, I searched for information on how well the Kona capsules worked, and found this forum and a few others that said they probably don't work. I'll figure out how to deal with that Kona order yet on its way. I did a little reading about preparation, and while it seems fun, I wasn't sure if I could do that if I wasn't home. Luckily I found the Aluball on Kavafied, and have just ordered it with the Kava Supreme powder from them. What sort of effect does the Kavafied powder have? Will it put me to sleep?

I did see posts about Kava brands and their effects, and I am looking mostly for something I can use during the daytime and still be productive. So far I heard about Fu'u and Mo'i, and I did see the chart that was posted in a thread somewhere. If anyone has a few quick suggestions of a couple of powders I can use in the Aluball that won't be too sedating (more euphoric, I think I saw it called?), and also a couple that are more sedating, and good for someone just starting out, I would be very grateful. I will continue to search through the forums for that info as well.

Thanks in advance,

Deleted User01

Welcome to the forum.

Kava doesn't put me to sleep but when I close my eyes at night, sleep comes quickly.

You may experience Reverse Tolerance which means it may take a week for you to feel "strong" effects. If the stuff from Kona has kavalactones in it, then take it because it will help get kavalactones in your blood stream and get you over the 'reverse tolerance' hump. No nothing wasted there hopefully.

Most of us daytime users take what is known as 'heady kavas'. They put a bee in your bonnet but don't put you sleep .... till later. Mo'i from GHK is one that I use and there are lots of Fijian kavas that are also heady. As they, "it's all good".

I believe that all the vendors in this forum sell good kava and both sedating and heady types. Perhaps you should go to the review section and see how members describe their effects. But remember this, every human has a unique chemotype and you can't be 100% sure how a kava effects you until you try it.

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Hi I'm John, and I just ordered from Kona. On a whim, I searched for information on how well the Kona capsules worked, and found this forum and a few others that said they probably don't work. I'll figure out how to deal with that Kona order yet on its way. I did a little reading about preparation, and while it seems fun, I wasn't sure if I could do that if I wasn't home. Luckily I found the Aluball on Kavafied, and have just ordered it with the Kava Supreme powder from them. What sort of effect does the Kavafied powder have? Will it put me to sleep?

I did see posts about Kava brands and their effects, and I am looking mostly for something I can use during the daytime and still be productive. So far I heard about Fu'u and Mo'i, and I did see the chart that was posted in a thread somewhere. If anyone has a few quick suggestions of a couple of powders I can use in the Aluball that won't be too sedating (more euphoric, I think I saw it called?), and also a couple that are more sedating, and good for someone just starting out, I would be very grateful. I will continue to search through the forums for that info as well.

Thanks in advance,
Welcome, @Blue Roads. You came to the right place. Most people find traditional or instant kava to be better than pills, though I'm not sure what's in the Kona pills you bought.

There are plenty of good daytime kavas out there. Honestly, very few 100% noble kavas are likely to put you to sleep. The Fu'u you mentioned is a kava we used to sell. Unfortunately that source has dried up. 'Eua to the rescue! It's a similar Tongan kava, that I personally like a little better than the Fu'u. Our Borogu is also a good choice for day drinking. Let me know if you have any questions.

Blue Roads

Kava Enthusiast
Welcome, @Blue Roads. You came to the right place. Most people find traditional or instant kava to be better than pills, though I'm not sure what's in the Kona pills you bought.

There are plenty of good daytime kavas out there. Honestly, very few 100% noble kavas are likely to put you to sleep. The Fu'u you mentioned is a kava we used to sell. Unfortunately that source has dried up. 'Eua to the rescue! It's a similar Tongan kava, that I personally like a little better than the Fu'u. Our Borogu is also a good choice for day drinking. Let me know if you have any questions.
Great, thanks for the info!