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hello kava lounge :)


Kava Curious
Just ordered 1kg koniak havent had any for a while ready for this ..... i would previously describe my kava drinking level as close to expert having consumed kilos of the stuff close as i still need to achieve my dream of fresh nakamal kava . what a great place for KAVA drinkers .
Was wondering if anybody eles had noticed the effect that I have. Kava seems to hunt out other toxins and repel them list i have noticed caffeine, tobacco,artificial sweeteners
when under the influence caffeine 1 coffee may be ok even add to buzz but 2-3 spiders severe restlessness almost like poisoning very bad combination
tobacco fumes even outside make me very queasy must avoid even in fresh air
and artificial sweeteners have previously tried to mix with kava horrid taste like poison. Its even noticeable under influence if a drink is separately consumed if it contains the nasty sweeteners ?

Deleted User01

Brett, welcome to the forum. On many a Sunday, I have consumed 3 cups of coffees followed by a shell or 2 of freshly made Kava, and then breakfast and with no ill effects. Sunday is when I make Kava and sometimes I want to test it. Many here will tell you that they love to Vape after Kava. As for Artificial sweetners, I can't stand them under any circumstances. Everyone's body chemistry is different but it would be interesting to see if anyone else notices the same effects as yourself. On the Koniak, I would suggest that you don't plan anything big for the next day if you intend to horse down a load of Koniak at night. It is potent for sure, I have some too but not for everyday.


Kava Curious
wow from the sounds of your reply you drink it in the morning as well it has always been an evening activity for me and yes I plan on only drinking the koniak on the weekends as a full replacement for alcohol I need a weekend drink that has less calories than my typical alcohol binge
must have had over 6 months off kava now mainly i used to drink qkp vanautu kava store probably gone through 10kg of that stuff good for everyday drinking with no fuss
tried wow, solomans ,melow melow

Deleted User01

Last Sunday I made a batch of Hawaiian Kava from GHK and I was anxious to check it out and so I took a shell at around 7am. I felt good for a while but I had a headache by around 12:00. I was doing a lot of yard work too. I always regret drinking Kava in the morning. I compare it to drinking beer in the late morning on vacation and then petering out by the afternoon. I am a daytime Kava drinker and on my Kava days I may start at 2:30 and take a few gulps every 30 minutes until quitting time. As of late, I have started doing Kava on Fridays and Sundays and that has been a very nice replacement for Weekend Binge Drinking (which for me is about 4 drinks). I feel great in the morning.