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Holy Bed-Lock Batman!


All Hail Leon
Yikes, I just experienced my first bed-lock morning. Last night I was on the last of a bag of Pouni Ono that I had, and I have some more GHK Mo'i coming tomorrow, but I wanted to squeeze all the kavalactones possible out of what I had left of the P.O., so I did the traditional prep for a couple washes, and then I rubbed the remaining pulp through a normal kitchen strainer. That got out all the huge particles but of course a lot of the smaller ones got through into the solution. So I think what I ended up doing was sort of a lesser version of toss-n-wash.

Last evening was great and I fell asleep like a baby, but this morning, holy cow, I could NOT pull myself out of bed. I'd still be sleeping if I didn't have stuff to do today. I wouldn't call it a hangover, but I definitely feel nailed down and SUPER groggy.

Moral of the story is, don't take in the fibrous material if you have stuff to do the next morning. Sheesh!


Kava Lover
That's traditional prep in my house. Kitchen strainer multiple times after combining two washes worth. Love it! Of course I only drink noble now that I'm informed so that helps the outcome. I don't feel groggy next day or have stomach issues, aside from gassiness of course!