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How long is warm kava good for sitting out?



Hey guys,
I had a mason jar of kava earlier that I drank in the parking lot before I went in to the dentist, and I left the empty jar in the car sitting in the sun for about 2-3 hours. I usually reuse the same jar a few times and store it in the fridge before I wash it. I just made another jar full with the same mason jar and forgot to do a smell test lol How quickly does kava spoil while sitting in the sun?


No idea how long before it becomes unsafe to ingest, but I can tell you that i let kava sit overnight one time and drank it the next day and it did not taste great. Tasted kind of like grass clippings smell.


I rinsed the jar out at least so I doubt it will be bad, especially if you drank overnight kava and didn't get sick. Here goes nothing I'll report back lol ::chugger::