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Ignorant caveman attempts kava preparation, is successful.


Envoy of the Dealfish
Ahoy! Greetings! Yarr. May clean saltwater flow over your gills forever. Hail dealfish!

Please forgive me if this is a poor place for an introduction sort of thread, or if such things are generally frowned upon here. I am simply very excited to find you people. I've been spreading the news amongst friends and not a person has heard of this wonderful root, so I worried that there would be no remotely active forum on which to babble and gush about it with fellow kavaheads. Behold, I appear to be wrong. Jubilation!

Much love and peace to ye all, and I am pleased to meet ye.

I was introduced to kava at a young age by my wonderful mum. I am disabled, depressed, have anxiety issues and am no stranger to pain. Kava and I got along from the very start; indeed, other than the taste, which took quite a bit of getting used to, I've not had a single qualm with it. It is my favorite root in the world and the more I use it the more I appreciate its effects.

Unfortunately, I went many years without kava and have only recently been re-introduced to it. I finally saved some money and ordered a good sized bag of Vanuatuan kava root powder. Before, I had only had capsules, teas, etc.; this was my first time making the stuff traditional-style with strainer and dry powder. The resulting concoction is *powerful*, and the effects are very long lasting, but it tastes essentially like muddy rainwater and takes a bit of willpower to get down. If anyone has tips for improving the taste without affecting the potency, I would be highly appreciative. In the meantime, I am getting used to it and have come to even appreciate it in a way. It's certainly unique.

I am a bit concerned that I may be overdoing it. I've been preparing a strong batch in the morning, then reusing the leftovers to make less potent brews twice later in the day. Always on an empty stomach; indeed, kava has a powerful appetite-suppressant effect on me and I have to remind myself to eat something while on it. I use three to four great, heaping tablespoons of kava to about two cups of water, massaging it in the strainer bag while submerged and making sure to squeeze it frequently for five to ten minutes. I've also tried stirring it directly into the water, allowing it to steep for thirty minutes, and filtering it through the strainer, but I find the former method to produce a tastier and more potent brew.

I have spent most of the last week high as a kite on kava. Is this excessive? Mostly I am concerned about the possibility of liver damage. It is my favorite drink in the world; if I can get away with it I'll continue having it multiple times daily.

Greetings, wonderful people, and I hope that it's OK that I am posting this. Yarr.


The Original Kava Forum Mama
Welcome home!! :) You've found a great place filled with kavaheads like yourself, who are bubbling over with support and advice. It sounds like you made a perfect grog but as for taste..ugh..yeaaah...it's pretty much a get used to it kind of thing..lol..we all have things we do to help with that..I add a touch of honey to mine..helps take the bite out. Some people use coconut water instead of plain water. And as for the over doing thing...not to worry my friend...I to deal with chronic pain issues and drink kava throughout the day..EVERYDAY! Annnd have been doing so for 3 years. I'm sure my liver is much happier than when I was stuffing it full of narcotics and benzos ;)

Deleted User01

Welcome to Kavaville where people drink Kava 24 hours a day (whether they need it or not) and nobody has liver problems, dermopathy, high cholesterol, or any of those other meanies that other drugs cause.. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!


Envoy of the Dealfish
Hello! Hooray. I was afraid ye'd be yelling at moi. "WHAT'RE YOU DOIN' HERE, NOOB?!"

Oh, wait. We're all on kava. Goodie!

Two votes for all day use being completely acceptable. Yarr! I must drive today, though, so have had to skip my usual asskicking morning brew.

Fun fact: yesterday, I tried not only using slightly more kava than usual, but combined the two methods I've used to make it. Stirred thoroughly into pure, cold water and allowed to steep for about thirty minutes, occasionally stirring more, then filtering it and giving the kava the usual squeeze and massage in the strainer for a good ten minutes.

Verily, I was stoned. Good and stoooonnnned. This Vanuatuan stuff never ceases to surprise me with its strength. I seriously felt this stuff go a bit to my head, which is not something kava normally does to me. My whole skull seemed to be filled with a kind of pleasant, vibrating aura.

I'm almost out, so am VERY much looking forward to trying new things. Always up for recommendations.

I've heard of coconut water being perfect for kava. Will have to try it. And same, KavaGurl. I've been through a lot of surgery and been pumped full of morphine, oxycontin, vicodin, you name it as a result. Will admit that I like a narcotic high (I will never, ever forget being on Oxy), but kava is better. Less intrusive to the mind. More respectful to the user, even when made to kick one's ass as I've been doing.

Much success always in managing your pain. Kava is remarkably effective against it, in my experience.

Thanks for replying, both of ye. Much love.

Deleted User01

* with head held down low in an apologetic posture * Dude, I might have been a wee bit snarky in my reply. I don't believe in drinking Kava ALL day unless there are medical issues that are being addressed by Kava. I start at 2:30PM myself (not everyday) because that is when my energy and attitude start to go down the drain. It's pretty hard to get any work done in the morning after several cups of Kava, I've tried that. Unless of course you are on vacation and therefore no worse then the vacationers who drink Mimosas in the morning and they are just warming up. Anyway, you just started up so you are the kid in a Kava candy store and I can dig it. Been there. I use coconut water and some reg water and it works great. I also bottle it and put it in the fridge. I likes it cold. In any event, welcome to Kavaville, your next stop to tranquility.


Envoy of the Dealfish
Indeed. Is how I am feeling. So much to choose from.

The interwebs snark detector on this raggedy caveman is not really functioning, sorry. : P Blarg is very literal caveman.

I'd actually agree. Indeed, have stuff to do today, so no kava yet as I said. But I am a hermit and generally have nowhere to be and nothing to do, anyway.

Your pic is awesome, by the way.

Deleted User01

Glad you like the pic. It's a selfie.:D Around here there is a new kava to talk about almost every day. There are instants, powders, micronized, and frozen root. And they all have different effects for what ails ya and at all price points. You're going to like it around here.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Welcome aboard mate.

I'd say the biggest problem with that level of consumption is skin problems. If that happens, stop consuming and it'll go away. I drink about twice that daily and I'm going alright.

And, it never hurts to get some bloodwork done. (Well it does hurt, but you know what I mean).


Envoy of the Dealfish
Thankee so much, everyone! I love ya. Really appreciate the welcome. Looking forward muchly to reading of ye experiences, learning from ye, maybe obtaining some kava from one of the vendors around!

I am just now feeling the effects of a batch of this stuff I've got, prepared with the intent to be strrrooong. Let me tell you, it is indeed. This feels quite amazing.

I've been thinking hard about Deleted User01's words and have decided to set up a schedule. No kava until evening, and only once per day. One good 2 cup-ish bowl, prepared with love and care. This wonderful, magnificent root needs treated with respect. I have to admit I've been far too useless this past week, even for a hermit caveman. So, thank you very much, O wise, fellow caveperson. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Common sense has never been my strong suit and it's always nice to hear a voice of reason to balance out my crazy ideas.

Blomdor is currently hoping that the relaxation and euphoria is not directly associated with how bad the taste is. It seems like the harder it is to get my concoctions down, the better I feel after the attempt. When next I am shopping, I am most certainly looking into coconut water! I've been mostly drinking it straight up out of respect for the root, but if coconut would do it no wrong, I will readily try it. Looking forward to it already...

Kid in a kava candy shop is right. Where do I even begin? I'm on my last dozen or so tablespoons of this wonderful Vanuatuan root powder, so my stash needs replenishing soon, and there is *so* much to choose from. Keep in mind I am a newbie, but I will try anything. I love new experiences and indeed want to have tried many things before I kick the bucket and give my protein back to God and the Earth. It doesn't have to stone my arse off like this stuff here does; I would appreciate a more subtle calm and relaxation just as well. Indeed, that's what I intended when I reintroduced myself to kava. I had no idea this stuff would be so potent. Remember, everyone: do ye research! I should have known the strength of what I was buying, and perhaps should have aimed for something that does not kick my arse to this degree. Too late now. I'm certainly enjoying the experience.

For the curious, this is Mood & Mind Kava Kava powder, 100% lateral root, from Vanuatu as mentioned before. It would be called Waka, if I am not mistaken, and it is one hell of a root. I have to gather a bit of willpower to get a batch made from the stuff down, but it is absolutely worth it. I saw elsewhere on the forum that Deleted User01 mentioned that his first powder was from Mood & Mind (not stalking you, man, honest! : P), and that it tasted horrible. I have to concur. I love the stuff and I hate to insult it, but it really does taste quite terrible. At least the first gulp is the worst, so once I've reached that step I'm generally home free. The aftertaste can bite a bit, too, though, so a headshake and a bleh or two sometimes follows.

Loving ye idea of chilling it in addition to adding coconut water. It really does taste better cold. I tried making a couple of lukewarm extractions and I tell you they were pretty damn hard to get down. No more potent, either, so I'm sticking to cold extraction now.

Thankee, Kavadude; I shall watch for skin issues. It wouldn't bother me too much if I did get some scaly skin or whatnot, but it would be a sign that I was overdoing it. Definitely taking Deleted User01's advice, and will try to be reasonable and careful. Sometimes I am not good at such things. : P

You all have a wonderful and lovely day. Thanks tons for having me. Sorry for being such a newbie...might not be able to provide all that much useful info and such to the forums. However, with time and wisdom I shall learn, and perhaps I can eventually contribute in some way. In the meantime, it's a pleasure to meet ye all. May your kava be delicious and soothing to ye mind and body. I've never had kava that wasn't : P. Did buy some pills once that did not seem to have any effect, but I've rambled and babbled too much already and will spare ye that tale.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Bula Kava House has a sample pack which is a great way to try out some different stuff.

Making kava at a hot temperature can definitely improve the potency, but chilling it helps it go down no matter what temp you make it at.


Envoy of the Dealfish
Ah...hot, you say? I've avoided using high temperature water for fear of breaking down the kavalactones. Is it, in fact, a good way to make a stronger drink? I figured it would improve dissolving of the powder and extraction of the kavalactones, but when I tried lukewarm water it did not seem to make much difference. Perhaps I ought to try again with hotter liquid.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Yes, studies have shown that hot water improves the extraction of kavalactones and some of us have even boiled it. Makes it taste worse for sure but it won't hurt the kavalactones.


Envoy of the Dealfish
Blomdor has learned something!

8 D

Thankee. Tomorrow this shall be attempted. I hope my body can take it % ). I've tormented my taste buds with ridiculously strong and bitter black coffee for years and will eat almost anything, so hopefully I will be conditioned enough to withstand the concoction. Wish me luck.

Deleted User01

FYI Blomdor, boiling also makes the Kava muddier and thicker, at least it did for me. It was potent but being thicker and muddier doesn't help it go down. And maybe it's because of the coconut water so heads up. Boil a small batch and check it out.


Envoy of the Dealfish
Hellooo, all ye lovely helpful people.

I am finished with my Vanuatuan waka and am enjoying the effects as I type this. Koniak kava is on the way. Have heard it is exceptionally heady and potent, so am not sure it was a wise decision, but I've always enjoyed my drinks strong and effective, so I figured it'd be cool to try.

Being well aware that no one cares about the kava misadventures of a clueless caveman, I'll ask a question or two to make the post worthwhile.

Am I delusional, or do I get a more powerful and much headier effect when I drink in the evening or early at night? I've used the same dosage and preparation at different times and gotten a very different level of effects. Yesterday, when I had my session at 2 AM and used half water, half milk, I felt very noticeable relaxation and sedation but nothing overwhelming. Today, having taken my kava at 8:30 PM with pure, cold water, the effects were significantly more powerful; this stuff has hit me quite hard, producing a sort of aura around my brain and a level of sedation sufficient to make staying awake require some effort.

Just throwing it out there in case ye might know what would cause these varying levels of potency. It could just be my inexperience in preparing kava resulting in more or less successful brews.

One more: is "krunked" the proper term for being under the effects of kava? I've been wondering what to call it. It's not drunk, and it's a bit different from any high I've felt either. "Stoned" doesn't quite do justice to it, IMO. Would be nice to have a name for the experience.


I would say that the stronger effects in the evening could be due to the long half-life kavalactones that are lingering in your body through the evening. Then, drinking kava will intensify the (albeit mild) effect you already have but might not even be aware of.

Krunk is the word that was a blend from drunk and kava (so basically when you are intoxicated off kava), and I personally think it's not a good word for a variety of reasons (but that's my own opinions, biases, etc). Someone came up with the word "rooted" which I like much more.


Envoy of the Dealfish
Ah. I have heard that some have half-lives of nine hours or more. Cool. The aftereffects have been highly variable as well, however. There have been times when I felt a bit sick and lethargic, enough so to be worrisome and to cause me to consider taking a break for a few days, and others when I felt completely fine. ? : I

Ye bunny ears are da bomb.


Hmm, if you are new there is the possibility that you are just adjusting to it and I know that as un-scientific as that sounds, there are actual physiological changes that do occur. Also of course, it depends on the type of kava, when you ate afterwards and a host of things. Usually the day after a night of "heavy" kavas can make the next day a bit relaxing and such, but I would hesitate to say that it's lethargy or anything of that sort. IME, the only thing that leads to after-effects that are negative (and not the subtle relaxation, contentment, peaceful feeling) has been attributed to ISA/tudei and Koniak kava.

This is just my own opinion and should be taken as that... If you are using Mood and Mind, I'm not sure about the kava at all and feel sketched out by Wakacon too. Who knows if it evens comes from Vanuatu and if they didn't add a little tudei/ISA into it because it's a cheap way to increase potency. I mean, Waka is a Fijian word for lateral roots and knowledgable vendors call Vanuatu kava "100% Lateral Root"or "40/60 stump to lateral root" or something similar as opposed to using another country's terminology. The companies/owners here I trust. Those people... not so much. I don't know, but IMO, noble kava shouldn't have that sort of after-effect.

Did it taste have a piney taste to it (in addition or without the "muddy water"/peppery/earthy tastes"? How would you say the morning was after drinking this kava? Also, if you want to do an experiment for the betterment of the community, you could do a solvent qualitative test on it with a solvent like acetone, methanol, etc. You can see how to do it here: http://www.kavaforums.com/forum/threads/lebot-explains-simple-qualitative-type-test-in-lab.1543/ where Dr. Lebot shows it in the video, and I outlined my procedure and Kapm also did a test as well. Simple as mixing some up and letting it sit for a night or two.

"So easy, even a caveman can do it!" :p