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Is Wow! Noble?

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Kava Curious
I'm assuming that yes it is, because its from Vanuatu, and I swear I read that it was a blend of borogu and boroguru...but I just want to confirm for sure. Because it's strong, and I like it. And want to drink more...


Contact N@H and ask them for as much information as they can give you. You should be able to at least the name of the island and cultivar that each kava comes from, if it is indeed a blend. Also, you could ask for the certification done by the Vanuatu Dpt. of Agriculture as well as any chemotype tests.

Of course, you can also do this test:

EDIT: Also, there is this http://www.kavaforums.com/forum/attachments/the-end-of-kava-exports-pdf.382/ that vaguely suggests that tudei kava is making it out of Vanutau, despite its stringent quality control standards.


Kava Curious
Well I'll be damned if N@H didn't revamp their website in the past few days, and now says this about WOW!

'Wow! kava is a brand new type of kava powder. This kava is not available anywhere else but from this website. This kava is processed in a very special manner that leaves it slightly concentrated at the end. A large amount of the useless fibers have been removed from this kava during processing. This means that you can use less of it and there is less kava root to squeeze out each time. Because less kava root is used the preparation time is less. We use Borogu, Boroguru, or Borogo kava from Vanuatu to make this product so it is a good choice for daily drinking.'

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
I'm not sure I believe the claims of exclusivity, but it may be true. "WOW" is a rebranded "Five Star" or maybe "5 Star." I'm going from memory, here, and although kava has improved my recall abilities, I am in my 90's.

Assuming Nakamal@Home is telling the truth, the competing varieties are all a little different, but in the same catagory: Koniak from Bula Kava House and Special Reserve from Kava Kauai. These are highly processed Vanuatu kavas. They are powerful because the signal-to-noise ratio is highly improved. Most of the inactive is removed, leaving with a much smoother, much lighter, and more psychoactive drink.

These won't kill you. The "bad stuff' is, arguably, in the stuff removed from these blends - the bark.


Prince, I think you were referring to Bula Kava House's Nambawan since the Konaik comes from PNG, among other things. I think that Andrew offers a similar kava that is supposedly more "mellow" tasting because the outer epidermis that can yield stronger taste. Also, there could be something to be said for lateral root vs stump (chip)/lateral root blends as well as the size of the particulate matter. I haven't found that finer kava produces a greater effect but there could be something subtle there...
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