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I Love Kava Friday It feels so good to be baaaccckkk


Kava Enthusiast
My first kava order in months just happened to come in today. Given my stress level the last few days, I decided that it was fate. So I've spent the day drinking kava, playing in the snow, and coloring. I had forgotten just how good kava can make you feel. I so needed this! All my stress has disappeared and I'm just riding the wave. Drinking enough kava to feel good but still function like a normal human being. Except forgetting to put gloves on my daughter before she went out into the snow. She cried when she came in because her hands were cold. Other than that, it's been an awesome day that I very much needed.


Kava Enthusiast
Ginger for being cold. Hadn't thought of that. Makes sense since ginger is considered warming. Maybe I should add some to my next shell.

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
If you add fresh ginger to kava it denatures or curdles or something . Haha keep em seperate

Spices are good for when your come back inside... if you drink ginger then go out in the cold..all the circulation will go to your outer edge and youll lose heat quicker .
It's best when you get back inside to restore the blood to the hands and toes