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Just downed my first cup and lovin' it already


Kava Enthusiast
from what I understand it doesn't....
Alot of people don't use kava every single day, like myself...
I tend to use it like 5 days out of a 7 day week. but it all depends...
Once you finally break through the reverse tolorence of kava, I don't
think you will ever loose it! :) From my experience even taken 3-4 days of just makes the
next time I use kava all the more meaningful and effects seem to get stronger if I take few days off...
But Im still fairly new here so I, like you are just getting my feet wet! :) glad to have you aboard!

Johnny Frye

It's all about supply and command
It seems to have completely stopped working for me now, does reverse tolerance build up gradually or can it come and go... ?


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
I think it's pretty common to have intermittent results when you're just starting out and you're figuring out preparation and dose and all that. Keep drinking and don't worry about it.

Johnny Frye

It's all about supply and command
On my second week of deinking a good 4-10 tbs a day. Getting very intermittent effects - tonight I decided to make a big 8tbs batch and just down it all at once. Feeling a bit of something, all though it may just be farigue. Looks like I'm in the upper percentile of lengths of time necessary to break RT :/ On the flip side, I had a shell before work today and I was happier on the job than I'd been in months. I didn't really feel anything but I was in a great mood and time seemed to fly by.

But as everyone knows, correlation does not imply causation.


Kava Enthusiast
So your talking tsp and not tbsp right? Not sure how many tsps it takes to make a tbsp but you might not be doing enough? Iike I can feel 1 tbsp pretty good...and 2 is a strong dose for me....but those are tbsp,
You certainly could still be slowing getting through reverse tolerence....
Kava seems to be picky sometimes. Not so much for me but for others. I feel i am sensitive to kava and most things so that might be way lol.... :) good luck!
Just to be sure, are you always drinking Kava on an empty stomach? This makes a HUGE difference. Food slow down absorption a lot, you never get the peak kavalactones level you want in your blood. I always take mine around 7pm, then I wait one hour and half before eating.