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Just got my kava in the mail!


Kava aficionado
Me as well in regards to trying things..lol..the feeling reminds me very much of the first time i smoked weed...as in your not sure what to expect but you know its fun and you like it..now the feeling is not as strong but very similar as pot has a kinda reverse tolerance the first time you smoke it. Very impressed with this micronized Mahakea from GHK!
GHK has some pretty awesome kava, first 2-3 months for me came strictly from Chis, he doesn't sell anything bad, they are just different variations (or strains) with different effects. Eventually I figured out that I prefer heady kavas, as they tend to help me more with anxiety. Sometimes a good strong couch locking kava is nice too.
Eventually I branched out to try other vendors, money permitting, I would have 1 pound of each of several vendors here..:D


Kava Enthusiast
It should help a lot with your sleep. It may help your bipolar as well. I know for me personally it has a sort of mood stabilizing effect similar to antidepressants without the negative side effects. I drink it daily (budget permitting) and even if I go a day without it I have much less anxiety and irritability than I did before I began drinking it.


Kava Curious
I would have to say also as far as taste goes that the chocolate almond milk was a good idea, i drank the first bit with water and it was not intolerable but better in with the chocolate almond milk.


Kava Curious
It should help a lot with your sleep. It may help your bipolar as well. I know for me personally it has a sort of mood stabilizing effect similar to antidepressants without the negative side effects. I drink it daily (budget permitting) and even if I go a day without it I have much less anxiety and irritability than I did before I began drinking it.
For me the sleep is the issue i am looking for some relief in, as Klonapin really no longer work, as far as the rest of my meds, xanax and lithium i am very well balanced so i would not want change them prematurely, however a reduction i will be considering, only time will tell. I will just have to see how it goes. But thanks to this forum and its members for all the help. I will be happy to post my results to help others who might fear mixing kava with their medications. When i talked to my doctor, which i think was a good idea, he was helpful and open to kava replacing my klonopin. When dealing with medications and kava you just kinda have to be smart, do your research and start slow. Gradually i will increase my kava intake and see where that goes. Also if you get good kava i think there is no reason to fear liver issues. That seems to be the biggest myth i have read getting to this point.


Kava Enthusiast
The only liver issue when you are drinking good kava is that certain medications and alcohol are metabolized by the same enzyme in the liver. Generally you can assume that if something is hard on your liver to start with, then you should use caution drinking kava with it.


Kava aficionado
I would have to say also as far as taste goes that the chocolate almond milk was a good idea, i drank the first bit with water and it was not intolerable but better in with the chocolate almond milk.
Eventually you get used to the taste, I used to cringe in the beginning downing some shells, nowadays, it doesn't even phase me anymore.


Kava Curious
The only liver issue when you are drinking good kava is that certain medications and alcohol are metabolized by the same enzyme in the liver. Generally you can assume that if something is hard on your liver to start with, then you should use caution drinking kava with it.
Correct of course i should have been more specific, in my case i would be giving up a medication and alcohol which both metabolize in my liver in exchange for kava, so i consider that a win in my case. And thats why talking to your doctor is always a good idea. Thank you for the correction.


Kava Enthusiast
Kava has allowed me to come off of two of my medications. One I didn't take much anyway, but the other I took on a daily basis. Since starting kava I just didn't need it anymore. I still have to take some medications, but the fewer the better in my opinion!


Kava Curious
Eventually you get used to the taste, I used to cringe in the beginning downing some shells, nowadays, it doesn't even phase me anymore.
It was not horrible but to get over that initial earthy taste it helped. I have heard that Mahakea is not that strong in terms of other types of kava, Obviously i have no basis for comparison at this point, but i am sure i will get used to it. Tequila, scotch and even beer were horrible when i first tasted them...lol..that changed...


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
And honestly i am not sure at what point to stop. I mean probably another couple 4oz glasses worth since it is my first time? How long does the feeling typically last after you quit drinking kava?
This is something you'll have to get used to and test your boundaries a little. The thing to remember is that kava has a delayed effect so you can drink too much and you won't know it's too much until you make yourself feel pretty ill. It took me quite a while to know exactly how far I could push it without going into "super nausea".

The effects from one good shell can last quite a while but successive shells obviously prolong it.