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Kava, empty stomach, and blood sugar

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Kava Curious
Does anyone else think that kava on an empty stomach will raise blood sugar up to "full" levels, and the "food high" is what contributes to the greater potency?

I'm lowcarb and get low blood sugar symptoms occasionally, and it goes away with oats or kava.

Maybe the weight loss/appetite suppressant effects from kava are due to it being a superior source of carbs, and makes you less hungry for worse carbs (twinkies, etc.)

Kava may cause "food high", and weed facilitates "food high" by dropping blood sugar enough to allow for a spike. They're opposites.

Just a hypothesis.


I'm interested in things
If you have a glucose monitor (finger poker thing) it would be interesting to test whether your glucose level increases or not after drinking kava, since subjective feelings of "low blood sugar" are very unreliable without a blood test.

Deleted User01

I hear Mr. Ed's hunger pains go away with either oats or Kava too. :rolleyes:


Kava Curious
I read those linked posts, and I'm most likely wrong. If I'm right, it just has to do with my not-so-good strainer, and I've definitely done toss and wash and capsules in the past. I also have the fiji strainer from bulakavahouse on the way, so I can experiment with that also.
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Kava Curious
I think my symptoms had to do with an unrelated sodium deficiency from the summer.

Feel free to delete thread, I feel silly now.

Update: Actually magnesium deficiency
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I'm interested in things
I think my symptoms had to do with an unrelated sodium deficiency from the summer.

Feel free to delete thread, I feel silly now.
I'm sure there are plenty of new folks wondering about the same question, who might find the information in this thread useful. No reason to feel silly for asking a question..
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