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Kava hangover or flu?

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Kava Enthusiast
Been feeling a bit rough the past few days, I think it might be a bug but I also wonder if it might be the kava. I have been hitting the 11 waka pretty hard lately, but really not more than any other kinda of kava I have been drinking. I feel kinda shaky, sore, legs and arms feel tingly, stomach has been somewhat upset, head feels tingling, feels like hot flash (im going through menopause i bet in my 30s as a male) I feel out of sorts, it feels fluish but honestly it doesn't feel like a flu that I have had before, it feels like a mix between and a hangover really.

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
If it is the kava then stop the kava and you should start to get better in a day or two. I am sorry that your feeling that way and I hope that you get to feeling better real soon. Aloha.



Kava Enthusiast
Yeah not sure what it is, gonna take a day off kava and see if that helps. Never had it happen before so that's why it's so strange.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
If I am ever not feeling well I always go for Nene. Stomach ache? Nene. Headache? Nene. Life just not going too well that day? Nene. It's magical stuff that is so clean and mild in some ways but yet potent in others in a way that I find hard to describe. It is by far my favourite kava even though I don't drink it all the time. Like an old friend you can lean on when times get tough or you don't feel so great. I'm going to stop now because I feel a poem coming on...


Kava Enthusiast
Yeah Nene is the one I use the least because it is more of a medicinal kava for me where as I use the other kava to get down and funky. I really need to order more Nene since I start d using kava in the first place for anxiety and I find that no other one treats my over all symptoms better than Nene.

Deleted User01

Do the minimum dose of Nene for sure and make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep. More might be better. I don't like the sore legs thing. I don't believe kava would cause that. If you felt lightheaded, then maybe that could be blamed on kava but you have too many symptoms. If they persist, see a doctor. Let's hope it's a mild case of the flu that will pass. Heck, they have been shutting down schools all over Texas because of the flu.


Kava Enthusiast
Yeah, I still feel a bit meh, I think it's a bug or something because I keep drinking kava and I'm not getting any worse, nor do I feel worse after drinking the kava. I just get paranoid sometimes when trying new kava, more so that I have heard iffy things about the 11 year waka. Thank for all the concern guys makes me feel special, sniffle.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Yeah, I still feel a bit meh, I think it's a bug or something because I keep drinking kava and I'm not getting any worse, nor do I feel worse after drinking the kava. I just get paranoid sometimes when trying new kava, more so that I have heard iffy things about the 11 year waka. Thank for all the concern guys makes me feel special, sniffle.
I'm pretty sure the 11 yr waka is ok. I did an acetone test on one of the bags I got and it was a fraction darker than nene which is pretty light itself. I do get next day effects from it but not in a way that I would suspect to be anything bad.
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