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Kava in NYC?


in love with the kava
Not sure if you guys heard, theres a CRAZY blizzard coming here. I've been waiting on my kava to come in the mail for like a week and I'm afraid it's not going to be here in time before I have to leave to go on tour for a week because of travel delays from the storm. I'm a musician and I use it for social anxiety, I don't want to slip and end up getting drunk at the shows since I'm trying to battle alcoholism. When I google kava bars in NYC all I get is shit espresso cafes (WTF) and that's obviously not what I'm looking for, lol. If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
If you drive to ithaca, maybe you could convince someone to sell you dry root here:
Mystic Water Kava Bar and Yoga Ithaca
109 S Cayuga St
Ithaca, NY 14850

check craigslist to see if anyone's gettin rid of some locally
or, uproot a live one at the New York Botanical Garden


Ithaca is pretty far from NYC, especially in this storm. I'd say your SOL, hermana. Hang in there...