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Kava potentiators?


Kava Curious
Pardon me if this is a noob question, but I was wondering if there are any potentiator ingredients that can be added to kava to boost the efficacy or duration of effects? So far I haven’t read of anything really (that I can remember at least). I figured one of you highly enlightened souls would have some info one way or the other.


Kava aficionado
Pardon me if this is a noob question, but I was wondering if there are any potentiator ingredients that can be added to kava to boost the efficacy or duration of effects? So far I haven’t read of anything really (that I can remember at least). I figured one of you highly enlightened souls would have some info one way or the other.
Some will say milk may potentiate the kava effects, there is a school of thought that would suggest fatty type foods may help. I have read maybe spicy foods could help as well. There are a few threads floating around, like these below. I personally enjoy a nice meal at the end of the kava session.



Thank God!
hibiscus tiliaceus supposedly improves the mental and anticancer effects. Some people swear by fatty liquids


Kava Enthusiast
Raw Cacao Beans synergize with Kava, but not completly sure how safe that is.

Lol yes, alcohol and paracetamol might lift the effects too but not recommended!
I found alcohol destroys the clean, pure kava feeling...and also made my tongue feel weird?

Try drinking it on an empty stomach and then eating say 10 minutes later to get the digestion going.


Kava Enthusiast
And how do they synergize? Do they give the same "boost" of effects that eating the right foods at the right time

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
I've used the combo many times I wouldn't do them both daily... or anything as strong as kava or cacao daily in doses over an ounce. That's therapeutic and therefore toxic in the wrong body, with any herb that stimulates or sedates and uses nutrients to do so. Rather than giving nutrients and nourishing


Δ Kavanaut Δ
Yerba mate

Chamomile, skullcap, California poppy, passionflower works really well with kava presumably from the maoi quality..
So theoretically you could make a concoction of this herbal blend, and pour a shell of kava in, and it would be a boosted effect of kava plus the other herbs?

Sounds to me like I just found a way to make an ever more earthy and swampy grog... If this is all safe in tandem then I might give it a try :D

Edit: Maybe not Cacao... doesn't seem like the thing for me.
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Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
What I find potentiates kava is kava. I'll drink grog and sometimes also enjoy any or even all of the following: kava candies, kwk concentrate, my homemade kava powder, co2 extract, and last but not least, chewing on big pieces of waka. What the hey, I enjoy kava.


Kava Lover
John Frum may have brought cargo (including grinders) to Tanna, but the kids still chew kava 'cuz they know what's up.