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Kava the perfect unwinder


Kava Enthusiast
IMO kava is vastly superior to alcohol to unwind after a hard day's work. For example I worked on our car today for 12hrs w/out stopping & my back was so stiff I couldn't stand up straight. After a few swigs of Wakacon I feel much looser w/ much less back pain. I really do believe nature provides better medicine than man can .

Jake o Links

Krunkin with Sasquatch!
... so far, I haven't had to ask "what did I do last night?" or "what did I say... oh... man... I'm really sorry". Booze NEVER killed the pain, just made me preoccupied enough to ignore it. Next day was worse. With Kava affecting the spinal nerves and all, even the next day my chronic pain is severely reduced. There is almost always a point in every session that I think "oh, were'd my back pain go"... but to be honest, I know were it went. It got the shell off my back! After 8 weeks of regular use (and drowning myself in bottled water) I notice a physical reduction in muscle tightness and knotting. Can't wait to get rooted and then go see my back guy! (been thinking on this one for a while, just waiting on the funds for both at the same time).


Kava Enthusiast
I would love to one day own a kava bar which focuses on helping people unwind & safely releive stress. I realy do think there is a market nationwide for this. Sort of an anti-starbucks.


Kava Who?
Yea, for sure. I'm really Krunked tonight, so I'm so with you Brother. Loving everyone. Much Love Roaddog....