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Kava threshold dose

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
The medically active dose of kavalactones is 250mg per day.

In terms of what you can feel, I'd say you're probably going to need approaching 100mg of kavalactones at a time to feel just a little something.

There isn't an established minimum dosage for individual kavalactones at this time to my knowledge.

Russell Caruso

I would think this depends on a few things. Like what Kapm said, around 100mg you would feel something (technically) - but if you're preparing regular kava in which you can't measure the exact kavalactone percentage, it will depend entirely on the Kava you're making. Likely, 1 shell of any kava unless it's an absolute dud, would be enough to calm your nerves and get a bit of feeling.