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Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I have patellofemoral pain in my right knee. One of the benefits of drinking kava is it helps with pain besides helping control social anxiety and the inconveniences that come along with it.

My father has arthritis in his hands. At 70 years old he still does his weekly routine at the outdoor market. Then he comes home and does stuff around the house. On occasion he drives to a friends house to help them out. He comes home tired and pretty sore. Once in a while he asks me for some kava. He says it helps with the arthritis pain.

Chris sent me a bag of his Hanakapi'Ai as a result of the big Noble vs. Tudei thingy a while ago. Yeah Noble is just as effective for pain if that's what you're going for. My father and I have certainly been enjoying the pain relief. So what's the moral of the story?

#NoNeed2Tudei (y)
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Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
That is great to hear, I am glad that the kava is working for your needs. I always knew that a true noble kava can be just as effective as a tudei kava but without the unwanted side effects. Let me know if you need more, this is one kava I will be keeping in stock. (y)
You are right NO Need Tudei kava. Aloha.


Deleted User01

@Vetka, I got the same problems as your father but I'm a little younger but not by much. :LOL: I use Papa Kea for soreness on the weekends because that is when I really aggravate all the i-ti-sis (plural). I can't wait to get my Hanakapi Ai' so see how it works on the weekend pain. And now I will get on my pedestal to lecture everyone over the age of 50. Just because you are getting old doesn't mean you should stop exercising and doing physical labor. It's the opposite. The minute you give up on physical exertion is the minute you just passed the death sentence on yourself. And now a word from our sponsor. "Drink kava and you can work pain free". Now back to our regular programming.
The moral of the story? The family that drinks kava together are pain free together. Oh and that other moral, You don't have to drink tudei to get pain relief.