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less kava have more effects sometimes?

cosmic sky

Kava Curious
Sometimes it seems like I feel more from less kava than I do when I take more? Not always, but sometimes. I've read this occurs with people. How exactly? (I'm fairly new to kava just been using it over a monnth now) but sometimes if I take 1 capsule, like if I wake up in middle of nite, I feel it more than if I were to take 5 then? How's that happen?

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Alot of the times with herbs, there are secondary chemicals that balance the actives perse, idk if kava has any known ones. But most likely there is a higher ratio of secondary to active... so the more you add on and add on, the counteracting chemicals start to overway the active causing less of an effect... once again idk if this is the case for kava, but mitrigayne speciosa it is. There is a whole thread on that forum dedicated to "Less is more"... with kava if found this to be true sometimes... same with kr@ tho. It's all very peculiar, but if that's the effect your getting then try this experiment..... Take one, get effect... take another see if it adds or cancels out.... and keep going up. Rather than just taking 5 caps all at once ... Guage your effects and maybe you can find that 3 caps is the most effective and 4 and 5 start taking away... ... sorry if this is confusing ! Any questions I'll answer haha


Have you been taking notes of how long ago your last meal was, in relation to the time you take the capsules? Honestly I'd be more suspect that if you are taking it closer to food, it's just not working as well. Capsules are usually really mild anyway. Most people here say they have to take practically a handful of them to get anywhere near what you get out of a "shell" of real kava.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
I've had this experience many times and my eating schedule is basically the same everyday.
Possible reasons I can think of are 1) Since you decide to use less root, you reduce your expectations of the effects, then you actually feel pleasantly surprised when it surpasses your expectations. 2) Or it could just be the typical mysterious kava-fickleness, some days work better than others for seemingly no reason, and one of those days might be on a day that you've used less kava.
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Winning Shenanigans

Kava Curious
For me it depends on the kind of kava, boronguru from KWK was potent and less was more, same with the Solomons island from BKH.

What I mean by that is I get more enjoyable effects off 3-5 tablespoons than 6-8. Now I am drinking Nangol Noble from BKH and I need at least 6 tablespoons again it's potent but less is not more in this case....

Also something I have noticed is I like drinking smaller amounts of kava as I enjoy the effects more and am more prone not to nod off watching Netflix but to do something worth remembering in a fantastic mood :)
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Kava Vendor
I am starting to do big shells when I get home as it seems I am wasting kava after eating dinner. So I like to slam a big amount soon as I get in, you know just in case more later doesn't work.