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Long time no see. Kava and Fibromyalgia

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Kava Curious
Hey all,

So. I’ve been MIA for medical reasons. Extensive tests, procedures, and bloodwork boil down to Fibromyalgia. Nothing (legal) seems to help. My best hope has been transitioning to Cymbalta and low-dose naltrexone (off label use) if I’d like to try it. Legality of CBD is questionable in my state.

I enjoy drinking kava and have done so quite a bit in the past. I stopped because no one could figure out what was going on with me physically. In a way they still don’t know, hence my catch-all diagnosis.

Any suggestions? Does kava help?

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Kava Curious
From a more chemical perspective, memantine may help. It can slightly dull incoming signals including pain, as well as prevent tolerance gain from any other meds you take.

From a more natural side, corydalis,, or "Yan Hu Suo," which is common in TCM, is actual decent at blocking neuropathic pain through novel mechanisms. It's has L-Tetrahydropalmatime, Dehydrocorybulbine, and even small amounts of Claudine which are all antinociceptive but not in an anti-inflammatory way.

Beyond that I don't have tons of fibromyalgia knowledge but I wish you the best of luck! Kava personally lasts too short to work well as pain management.
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