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medium grind


Kava Enthusiast
I am one of those people who is often afraid to try something new for fear of not doing it right. It is for this reason that I have only used instant and micro so far from ghk..oh and kalm concentrate... and oh yea extract from paradise :happy: all of these have been great but i am finding that it will be quite expensive in comparison to medium grind. i am just worried that i will mess it up and either waste my money or drink badly strained kava that will give me nasty side effects. is it really easy to do? i have read some of the methods but i just still seem slightly confused on what will be the easiest/effective/healthy way. thanks for your help.


Kava Vendor
Traditional prep isn't too hard and you will get it down pat after a few tries. I was using knee high stockings and paint strainer bags but when I switched to a nut milk bag that was the best strainer for me. I also have the cheapo set of liquid strainers from Walmart that I filter my grog through after prep and I also keep a little one handy for whenever I pour a shell to drink. 5 minutes kneading in warm to the touch tap water worked great for me till Deleted User posted the CTAHR method and that is even easier. So now I do the CTAHR method with a little minute or two kneading after the third blend. I am really digging the simplicity of the CTAHR method.


Patently irritable
I'm a convert from micro/instant to medium grind. It's nice to have them when I don't have time to make a batch of grog but to be honest I'm liking medium grind better (possibly because I make it in advance and it's extremely cold when I drink it).


Kava Enthusiast
I've only ever bought medium grind (although sometimes it is more fine than medium).
You'll find the traditional prep very easy and straightforward once you've done it a few times - it never takes me more than 10 minutes from getting the bowls out to having my first shell. Just use the right tablespoons-to-water ratio (8 heaped tbsp. to 1.2litres of warm water for me), massage it hard in a stocking till the slippyness goes, and strain it well a few times. Once you have this basic tried and tested method down, you can experiment with some of the other more modern methods that people have figured out, and find your preferred way..