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Micronized Syrup - filters - and fiber

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Kava Enthusiast
Hi - interested in more info on the Micronized Syrup - recipe is on the GHK website. It says that blending and straining (per directions) removes all fibers. What strainer do I need to accomplish this - 'Fijian' style, or muslin? Or does it matter?
I'm starting to have some stomach issues with the micronized and don't want to waste it - I know most people don't have this problem, but I do... just wondering if maybe trying the syrup will help, would like clarification on the strainer that can\should be used.
Does anyone else who has stomach issues use the syrup?
Any help is greatly appreciated!

Deleted User01

Those recipes were developed last year. This years micro is finer since Chris keeps improving his techniques. I would think the strainer type does not matter. I use a fine mesh Nylon strainer that is used by home brewers to strain the grain. When you strain micronized, you are going to get a thick gooey extract. That's why we call it syrup. I'm glad someone is experimenting with the new stuff to see how it works out.
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