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Might have to downgrade my title

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Well it happened, kava lovers. I ended up eating very little yesterday, and went full steam with my kava only to have it forcibly come back up after 30 minutes.

I hang my head in shame.

Having eaten during the day is important. I knew this, but had to be reminded in a very visceral way, lol.



Kava Curious
Alas, the amount you usually have?
I have yet to have such a bad experience, the closest has probably been after having maybe 3 back to back grogs (maybe 140g total).

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Alas, the amount you usually have?
I have yet to have such a bad experience, the closest has probably been after having maybe 3 back to back grogs (maybe 140g total).
40g prepped in 400ml of water. Comes out to exactly 10oz of paint-thick kava that I consume in one shot.

10 Years of daily drinking without an issue until I went an entire day without food. 30 minutes in and I was calling Ralph


The wonderful kava of Oz
Kava Vendor
Australian Importer
The one and only time I drove the porcelain bus after drinking kava was when I tried the hot water method. Never again. ::nooooooo::

Russell Caruso

Happens to the best of us. I had a mini-spree early last year where any time I drank kava made with the aluball, I'd get hit hard with nausea next morning. Started straining better for a bit using the traditional method, got back to normal, now I'm back to what I was before & aluballing with (knock on wood) no problems. Tonight is actually my first time trying to aluball again. I always find effects much better with the aluball, opposed to traditional. No issues so far!


Kava Lover
It happens to the best of us. I had it happen after a day on the boat and I was very dehydrated (but really didn't know it). Almost instantly sick, nausea and gave the gift of the gods back to the porcelain throne.


Kava Enthusiast
When kava settles in the mug the bottom has sediment. It has been hard to stomach. I discard it. Maybe some heady good-tasting polynesian ones are OK, IDK.


Thank God!
Puking isn't uncommon for me, but I do 2nd, 3rd, 4th.....washes with paint strainers. I extract twice the kavalactones as the fine straining methods, but it comes at a price.