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Nakamal @ Home's Fiji Kava

Piper Methysticum

Let Kava Take The Wheel
Here's a quick look at Nakamal @ Home's Fiji Kava.
NAH's newest addition to their intoxicating pepper lineup is what they simply refer to as Fiji Kava. The website describes this Kava from Savusavu, Fiji as "slightly dark in color, but with a "Bula" grade strength, it is very potent." After ending the last three days with this Fiji Kava, using slightly less than 1/2 cup per sesh, this claim of potency has been confirmed. Surprsingly the potency almost exclusively targets the body with virtually no cerebral buzz that Fiji's popular Waka varities are known for. This Kava will take your legs out from under you so be sure to have all important tasks out of the way before indulging and be close to a comfortable sleeping spot.