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Powdered Kava Review Nangol Noble


I'll have the pyrones with some pepper, please.
Vanuatu kavas hold a special place in my arsenal, mainly Borogu because its one of my goto party kavas, which is also why its popular in nakamals and US kava bars. The only sedating thing about Borogu for me is the fact that I eventually go to sleep but very late and I sleep incredibly well, like with most cultivars. The reason I am mentioning Borogu here is the fact that this Vanuatu kava blend is like a tame version of a strong Borogu. It takes you to a special place without too much energy, but full of euphoria, good vibes, skin tingles and vibrant shivers, but most importantly . . . intense relaxation and calm, something that I, at least, initially find missing with Borogu until the end of the night where I get a very mild relaxation (very "layered" effect). Nangol is really a perfect "Balanced" kava, more balanced than any other balanced kava I have had. Most balanced kavas are balanced just because they are not entirely heady and they don't knock you out, but from my experience most balanced kavas are still very euphoric and energetic, just less heady. Nangol gives you everything and not in layers, it gives you everything all at once. Its like you are in a different world because you get back what you sometimes find is missing in other balanced kavas. The feelings of energetic happiness and relaxed calm together is amazing. I compare this feeling to TKR Tongan Family Reserve, just because it gives you that relaxation. GHK Mahakea is also similar in this aspect in high amounts. This kava is definitely not one to try for a beginner as the taste is some of the most bitter/peppery I have ever had. But hey, I love it, they don't call me PepperyPyrone for nothing. Its just that I could see this being offensive at first try by a first timer. It is also very potent. The aroma is similar to the typical Borogu scent and the first thing I thought of when I smelled it was N@H Black Sand and BKH Borogu. After about 3 hours I was done, it demanded I go crash and went to bed earlier than normal. But what a fun kava ! The sleep quality is amazing and you wake up so refreshed and with a cup of good coffee you feel amazing all day from the afterglow.

Drink it, give it a few minutes, and this is what happens . . .
